The anthor thinks that Chinese capital market does not have such a condition, so it is not acceptable to think that accountancy's information is useful from their relativity.
文章中指出,由于我国资本市场不具备这样的条件,所以仅从二者具有相关性就认为会计信息是有用的结论是难以成立的。 |
The anthrax killed at least five Americans and infected others.
炭疽热病菌引起至少五人死亡以及其它人感染。 |
The anthropologist, as a man, is engaged in saving his own soul.
「人类学者自己也是人,也试图拯救自己的灵魂。 |
The anthropology of art emerged about the late middle period of the 19th century and was closely related to the development of cultural anthropology which was regarded as a main discipline.
摘要国外艺术人类学研究的滥觞期大致可上溯到19世纪中后期,与作为其主体学科的文化人类学的发展历程联系密切。 |
The anthropology we are approaching is already localized in the Chinese context.
摘要我们现在走向的人类学已经是逐渐在中国语境中本土化了的人类学。 |
The anti-British propaganda gave (ie caused) much offence.
反英宣传触犯了众怒. |
The anti-Communist die-hards within the Kuomintang emphasize unification, but their so-called unification is not genuine but a sham, not a rational but an irrational unification, not a unification in substance but in form.
国民党的反共顽固派强调统一,但是他们的所谓“统一”,乃是假统一,不是真统一;乃是不合理的统一,不是合理的统一;乃是形式主义的统一,不是实际的统一。 |
The anti-Iraq war socialists swept to power.
民众党,而反对伊拉克战争的社会党迅速夺权。 |
The anti-Manchu revolutionaries emphasized the primordial attachment of blood and considered modern China an exclusive community of Huang-ti's descent.
二十世纪最初数年间所发生的「黄帝纪年」与「孔子纪年」的争论,便是彼时两套不同国族论述的正面交锋。 |
The anti-Thaksin demonstrators who had been blocking Bangkok streets for months hailed this as a huge victory for democracy, claiming to have served the greater good by achieving on the streets what they could not manage at the ballot box.
那些堵塞街头数月的反他信抗议者们赞扬这是一次民主的巨大胜利,他们声称通过投票箱得不到的并为之服务的更伟大的美好愿望要通过街头来获得。 |
The anti-acne essence extract from natural tea tree hip helps to dispel the oxidant grease causing acnes prevents acne reformation while discouraging acnes.
特含天然茶树油抗痘精华,能去除导致暗疮的氧化油脂,帮助抑制青春痘的同时预防再次复发。 |