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Huamin group has been elected as the most respectful developers in Shanghai property fair, The Big100 best selling property enterprises etc.

Hualei Arts &Crafts is a professional top-quality metals enterprise integrating design,production and sales.It majors in production of metal cosmetic mirror,colored drawing bijouterie box,colored drawing metal picture frame,various alloy decorations,alloy 华雷工艺是集设计、生产、销售为一体的专业金属精品企业,本公司主要生产彩绘合金首饰盒、彩绘合金香水瓶、彩绘合金相框、各式合金饰品、合金皮带扣、合金标牌等,品种繁多,种类齐全,工艺独特精细,价格合理,深受客户信赖,产品远销欧美。
Huambo, Angola, 06 Dec – The German government is investing 7.4 million euros on several projects in the Angolan provinces of Huambo, Huíla, Benguela and Kwanza-Sul, the German ambassador to Angola, Ingo Winkelmann said in Huambo Monday. 安哥拉万博12月6日电-德国驻安哥拉大使英戈?温克尔曼周一在此间称,德国政府将对安哥拉万博省、威拉省、本格拉省、南宽扎省的多个项目投资740万欧元。
Huamei HUANG, Liquan Zhang*. 2007. A Study on the Population Dynamics of Spartina alterniflora at Jiuduansha Shoals in Shanghai. Ecological Engineering 29(2): 164-172. 黄华梅张利权*.2007.上海九段沙互花米草种群动态遥感研究.植物生态学报.31(1):75-82.
Huamian Lu Brocade Weaving Co., Ltd,located in Jiaxiang,Shandong Province,is a large manufacterer of traditional Lu Brocade. 华棉鲁锦有限公司,座落于曾子故里——山东嘉祥,是一家专门织造鲁西南民间传统织锦的优秀企业。
Huamian Lu Brocade,graceful and colorful,has been made fashionable present.It sells well in many big cities like Beijing,to almost ten countries and areas such as Japanese,Korea,Singapore,Hong Kong and Taiwan. 朴实大方、柔丽浪漫、高贵典雅、绚丽多彩的华棉鲁锦,已成为党政机关、企事业单位友好往来和民间馈赠亲朋好友的时尚佳品,现已远销北京、上海、广东、青岛等国内十几个大中城市及日本、韩国、新加坡、香港、台湾等近十个国家和地区。
Huamin group has been elected as the most respectful developers in Shanghai property fair, The Big100 best selling property enterprises etc. 华敏集团也被评为上海市房地产博览会我最佩服的服务奖、房地产销售百强企业、各地投资优秀企业。
Huaming will regard scientific and technological innovation as power to develop the cntcrprisc and be enterprising and go to the world with new visage. 华明以科技创新为企业发展的动力,锐意进取,以全新的面貌走向全国,走向世界。
Huamnism is the essence of the Renaissance.It spang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious intellectual side,for the Greek and Roman civilization 人道主义是文艺复兴的精髓所在.它是由对中世纪作家的崇敬的恢复而发展起来的,并且因为在希腊、罗马文明中,人被认为是一切的主宰,所以人道主义的理智意识形态而被认为是文艺复兴的开端.
Huan activities began 3,000 year ago in Xinping. The stone circle unearthed in Mosha is what left from the New Stone Age. 新平早在3000年前就有人类活动,在漠沙出土的石环属于新石器时代的遗物。
Huaneng to be the prime beneficiary. 华能受益最大。
Huang Chengming, B-convergence properties of general linear methods, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. (English Ser.), 5(1996), no.1, 13-19. 文立平,黄乘明,一族多步二阶导数方法的收缩性,计算数学,23(2001),265--270.

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