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Clinical impression was cryptogenic cirrhosis.

Clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of colon cancer in pediatrics are discussed. 本篇将进一步讨论儿科结肠癌病人的临床表现、诊断方法和治疗。
Clinical diagnosis -- X-ray and the lack of specificity and easily misdiagnosed as encapsulated effusion, tuberculoma, lung, chest wall and mediastinal tumor. 临床与X线表现缺乏特异性,容易误诊为包裹性积液、结核球、肺癌、胸壁和纵隔肿瘤等。
Clinical experience confirms that IPPR is often beneficial to patients in heart failure. 临床经验证实IPPR常对心衰的病人有益。
Clinical feature and molecular genetics studies of various syndromes with retinal detachment,and myopia are reviewed,and the possible method of molecular genetics study of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is discussed. 回顾以往伴视网膜脱离的综合征、与视网膜脱离相关的近视的临床表现和分子遗传学研究结果,探讨孔源性视网膜脱离分子遗传学研究途径。
Clinical features of infective endocarditis (IE) may come from systemic infections, intravascular lesions, immunological responses, and its complications. 摘要感染性心入膜炎的临床表现可能来自系统性的感染、血管内的病灶、免疫的反应和并发症等。
Clinical impression was cryptogenic cirrhosis. 临床诊断为不明原因的肝硬化。
Clinical left ventricular enlargement with secondary mitral regurgitation? 临床上有否左心室扩大伴二尖瓣返流?
Clinical manifestation and pathology of the toxoplasma hepatitis lack of specificity, and is easy to be misdiagnosed. 摘要弓形虫肝炎的临床表现与病理学缺乏特异性,易误诊及漏诊。
Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris. 临床表徵除了瞳孔偏向,葡萄膜外翻,周边连黏,青光眼之外还具有特殊的色素性节结在虹彩的表面上。
Clinical manifestations include atypical chest pain, an abnormal resting EKG, a positive treadmill test, sustained ventricular tachycardia, bundle branch blockage, paroxysmal atrioventricular block, reversible perfusion defect noted on thallium scan, etc. 临床表徵包括非型胸痛、异常心电图变化、跑步机式验阳性、持续性心室频脉、吏传导阻滞、阵发性房室阻断、铊-心肌扫描可见可逆性心肌灌流不足等等。
Clinical manifestations include slight swelling and tenderness at radial styloid process, positive Finkelstein test and painful active movement of thumb extension and abduction. 此病乃是在桡骨茎突处,包围在伸拇指短肌和外展拇长肌肌腱外的滑膜发炎所致。

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