Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
学期在九月一日开始。我们将于七月31日前等候你的猫头鹰带来您的来信。 |
Term life policies provide coverage for specific periods of time, such as one year or five years or until the policyholder reaches a certain age, while whole life policies are not term dependent.
定期保单覆盖某一特定时段,如一年、五年,或是保单持有人到达某个年龄,终身保单则没有时间限制。 |
Term loosely applied to three English poets, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth (and sometimes Thomas De Quincey), who lived in the Lake District of England.
一个比较随意的名词,指三位英国诗人罗伯特?骚塞、萨穆尔?泰勒?柯勒律治和威廉?华兹华斯(有时还包括托马斯?德昆西),他们住在英国的湖区。 |
Term of protection for the right conferred by the paragraph above shall be 10 years and expires on December 31 of the tenth year after the first publication of the book or magazine.
前款规定的权利的保护期为十年,截止于使用该版式设计的图书、期刊首次出版后第十年的12月31日。 |
Term paper: NSF-type proposal focused on outstanding CMB question , including a detailed research plan; 3-5 students per team; 15 pages maximum (including text + figures, but excluding references).
期末报告:NSF格式的提案计画,内容著重于悬而未决的核函边界问题,内含详细的研究计画;每组三至五位学生;最多十五页(内文与图片均计算在内,但不包括参考文献)。 |
Term: This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date and its term shall end five (5) years from the date hereof.
期限:协议在生效日期开始效,在签订有效日期后的5年后到期。 |
Termed a reactive layer coating membrane (RLC), laboratory evidence suggests a predictable nutrient release since a concurrent absorption of water into, and diffusion of, solubilized fertilizer material out through the highly crosslinked membrane continue
对于一种反应层包膜(RLC),实验室研究表明,因为在养分完全释放之前,随着水分吸收,被溶解的肥料通过高度交织的膜不断向外扩散,故养分的释放是可以预测的(表1)。 |
Terminal Adapter. Connecting equipment between the Terminal Equipment (computer) and the phone, e.g. a PCM/CIA card. A TA may contain a phone book.
终端适配器。用来连接终端设备(计算机)和无线电话,如PCM/CIA卡,TA可能包括一个电话簿。 |
Terminal and Server Application Platforms are the middleware solutions that are not application specific.
终端和服务应用平台是非应用相关的中间件解决方案。 |
Terminal pair 1-2 must be continuously energized from an A.C. supply line of electrical characteristics shown on the data plate.
接线端子1和2必须按照参数盘上显示的电特性接通交流电源。 |
Terminalization The movement of chiasmata to the end of the bivalent arms, a process that may occur during late prophase I of meiosis.
交叉)移端:发生在第一次减数分裂后期,染色体交叉向二价体染色体臂的末端移动的过程。 |