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My companion is standing behind her, in the doorway, a look of utmost discomfiture on his face. What did you do?

My college roommate and I lived together for one year,but we never got on very well.I was never able to build up any rapport with him. 我的大学室友和我在一起住过差不多一年,可是我们俩的关系一直不好,我们俩人真是没法和谐,步调总是不一致。
My command of English is not half so good as yours. 我英语掌握得还不及你的一半儿好。
My comments probably didn't have any effect, but it does seem that the club has this season adopted a no-nonsense media strategy. 我的意见或许没有任何影响,但是(从最近的几个事件中)看出来俱乐部正在采取一种严肃的对待媒体策略。
My companion had no money for his bus fare, so I had to fork out for both of us. 我的同伴没钱买公共汽车票,我只好付两个人的车票钱。
My companion had no money to pay his car fare, so I had to fork out for both of us. 我的同伴没有钱付车费,所以我要付两个人的钱。
My companion is standing behind her, in the doorway, a look of utmost discomfiture on his face. What did you do? 他是野人……他是猪……他是……”这时我的伙伴站在她身后,恰好在门口,脸上一副极其狼狈的表情。
My companions come back and give me some red mulberry when I were surprise. 在我正吃惊的时候,伙伴们纷纷从树上跳下来,手里拿着大把紫红色的桑葚。
My company R &D and production EX explosion-proof (Mine / Plant), the Prevention of Corruption (acid / base) and heat-resistant special environment video monitoring systems and other equipment and related products for civil use, large parking management s 我公司以研发和生产EX防爆(矿用/厂用)、防腐(酸/碱)、耐高温等特殊环境视频监控系统等设备及其配套产品为主,民用大型停车场管理系统、门禁考勤一卡通管理系统、报警系统、监控系统(远程视频传输、视频会议、网络电视监控系统)等安全防范领域的大型综合工程项目设计、实施及工程技术服务为中心的高新技术企业。
My company asked me to do a dog and pony show about the new product in the exhibition next month. 他的意思就是:我的公司让我下个月在博览会上做一个新产品的展示。
My company can design and manufacture of moulds, die-casting of aluminum-zinc alloy and precision machining processing. 我公司可以设计和制造模具,压铸铝和锌合金精密加工.我们生产的模具和压铸零件,汽车,摩托车,通讯业务已超过十年.
My company change the systems the empress,and make a point.My company change the systems the empress,and make a point of the product's quantity. 我公司注重产品的质量,年年被国家质检部门授予产品质量检验合格单位。

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