Doctors performing physicals on Muslim women will be required to report cases of female genital mutilation and those who perform them will be prosecuted.
在医疗这部份,医生对回教女性动手术,若有女性生殖器损毁相关情事,也应回报给政府相关单位;做相关手术的医生将被判刑。 |
Doctors prepare for the reproductive sterilization of a young person.
乡间卫生院的医生准备做绝育手术。 |
Doctors present Peru's miracle babyto the public six months after surgery to separate her legs fused by a congenital defect known as mermaid syndrome.
在手术六个月后,医生们向公众介绍秘鲁奇迹婴儿.外科手术分开了她由于美人鱼综合症的先天性缺陷而连在一起的腿. |
Doctors quoted by the agency said the death toll was expected to rise.
新华社引用医生的话说死亡人数还会上升。 |
Doctors recommended that the drug should be taken off the market.
医生建议市面上应停止出售该类药物. |
Doctors removed Torres from life support early Wednesday with the consent of her husband, Jason Torres, after she received the final sacrament of the Roman Catholic Church.
星期三早上,在苏珊丈夫杰森的同意下,经过天竺教会最后的默哀后,医院去除了维持苏珊生命的设备。 |
Doctors said she is now out of danger.
医生说她已脱离危险。 |
Doctors said there was evidence that she had been raped, but she was suffering from partial amnesia, having no memory at all of the attack or events surrounding it.
医生说留有证据(证实)她曾被强奸过,但她(遭受)有部份的健忘情形(出现),并没有(留下)任何在她身旁所有被攻击或(某些)事件的记忆. |
Doctors said there were several possible medical explanations for the incident on Sunday in which Bush apparently passed out after a pretzel went down the wrong way.
1月13日晚上,布什由于被饼干噎住而引起休克,对此医生认为从医学角度分析有几种可能。 |
Doctors said they are running tests on the man to find out whether there has been any damage to his brain.
医生们表示,他们对该男子进行了测试,但并未发现他的大脑有任何的损伤。 |
Doctors save his life with utmost effort.
医生们尽一切可能拯救他的生命. |