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And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber.

And there were even suggestions this week that Ford has proposed itself as a better American partner than GM for Renault and Nissan. 甚至有迹象证明,福特认为自己比通用更适合作为雷诺-日产在美国的合作伙伴。
And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? 3在城门那里有四个长大麻疯的人,他们彼此说,我们为何坐在这里等死呢。
And there were four supports at the four corners of each base; its supports were part of the base. 34每盆座四角上都有支架,共四个支架,是盆座的一部分。
And there were four undersetters to the four corners of one base: and the undersetters were of the very base itself. 34每座四角上都有盆架,是与座一同铸成的。
And there were latticed windows and palm trees on either side, on the sides of the porch, the side chambers of the house, and the thresholds. 26门廊这边与那边都有严紧的窗棂和棕树,殿的旁屋和槛也是这样。
And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. 有人预先埋伏在内室里。
And there were literally millions of people around election time going up and seeing what the results were and sharing their thoughts about what was going on. 而且在选举时间上升和看见结果是什麽的周围照字面上地有数以百万计人们和到处分享他们的想法什麽正在进行。
And there were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them were cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian. 27申言者以利沙的时候,以色列中有许多患麻风的,其中除了叙利亚人乃缦,没有一个得洁净的。
And there were more than forty who swore to this conspiracy. 13一同起誓订这阴谋的,有四十多人。
And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 14作这事的,有犹太祭司长士基瓦的七个儿子。
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 8在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。

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