Do keep your e-mail message short. No one wants to read a long message. Give the highlights and direct the buyer to your web site for more details.
邮件要短。没人喜欢看冗长的邮件。弄些超链接让客人直接点进你的公司网站了解更多信息。 |
Do learn how to maintain lactation, even if you need to separate from the baby.
假如需要与婴儿分开,请学习如何让自己维持足够之乳汁分泌.。 |
Do learners constitute their identities as part of a reflexive project?
学习者形成他们的身分作为一反省计画的部分吗? |
Do lights blink during lightning storms?
在雷暴期间,灯光是否会闪烁不定? |
Do liven up a bit!
活跃些吧! |
Do look a prospective employer in the eye while speaking.
说话的时候要把面试官看作你未来的老板。 |
Do look me up the next time you're in London.
你下次到伦敦, 务必来找我. |
Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your homework.
你检查作业时要当心拼写错误。 |
Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work.
你检查作业时要当心拼写错误. |
Do make make sure that when a visitor clicks on a link and goes to another page, they have no way of getting back to the main of your site.
确保访问者点击一个链接之后会谈出另外一个页面,并且是他们无法再返回主页面。 |
Do make the message interesting.
邮件内容要有趣,吸引人。 |