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An optimized design method of the ratcher mechanism in the multi-step belt conveyer with intermittent movement is presented. A practical design example is given.

An optimization example showed that the method was valid and satisfied the design requirement of some related structure and performance parameters on the conditions of minimum volume, concordant gears and rotors cavity structure. 实例分析证明,该方法可以在保证泵体积小、齿轮腔与转子腔结构协调的情况下,满足有关结构和性能参数的设计要求。
An optimization method for reasoning results is presented, such as recursive grey fitting model for single sequence and attribute correlativity model for multi-dimension data. 分别在单序列时建立递进灰拟合模型,在多维数据集时利用属性相关性,对插值结果进行学习优化。
An optimization model of distribution network reconfiguration is established, in which the minimum network loss is taken as objective function, the restrictions to the decline of voltage and current are taken as constraint conditions. 以网损最小为目标函数,以配电网电压降的限制、线路电流量的限制等为约束条件,建立了配电网络重构优化模型。
An optimization model was proposed to integrate operation decisions of distribution center by taking into account both the transportation and inventory cost of distribution centre and customers. 摘要为实现配送中心运作决策一体化,构建多物品两级库存和运输决策优化模型。
An optimization process of a thin-walled structure was performed by the response surface method, which took the maximum absorption energy from an impacting process as objective, the properties of the thin-walled structure as variables, and the impacting a 摘要运用响应面法,以碰撞吸收能量最大为目标,薄壁结构几何尺寸为设计变量,碰撞作用力为约束,对薄壁结构进行结构优化。
An optimized design method of the ratcher mechanism in the multi-step belt conveyer with intermittent movement is presented. A practical design example is given. 摘要提出了一种多步距间歇运动的带式输送机棘轮机构的优化设计方法,并给出了设计实例。
An optimized impeller in a mixed-flow pump, where the head and the efficiency increased by 7.43% and 3.37% respectively, confirmed the validity of this newly proposed method. 通过对一台混流泵叶轮进行优化,扬程和效率分别提高了7.43%和3.37%,从而验证了该方法的实用性。
An optimum planting density must be employed to get a high yield, depending upon soil condition, varietal tillering ability, fertilizer level, number of plants per hill, and planting season. 获得高产必须采用最适植株密度,视土壤条件、品种分蘖力、肥力水平、每蔸苗数和播种季节而定。
An option contract that gives its holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase a specified number of shares of the underlying stock at the given strike price, on or before the expiration date of the contract. 是指允许投资人按约定价格在合约到期日前或到期日,买入某特定资产的权力,也称之为买入期权。
An option contract which gives the holder the right to buy a fixed number of shares at the stated exercise price at any time up to a fixed expiry date. 买入期权是一种期权合约,合约持有人有权于某固定的到期日前按照约定的执行价格买入约定数量的股票。
An option for corporate deployments and upgrades. 用来作为企业范围部署和升级的选项.

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