The state fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by vessels in the fishing harbours and for exercising surveillance over the waters thereof.
国家渔政渔港监督管理机构负责渔港船舶排污的监督和渔业港区水域的监视。 |
The state government has decided to take a 50% cut of oil profits.
州政府决定抽取石油利润的百分之五十。 |
The state governments and the federal government will make an annual budget at the beginning of a financial year.
每年州政府会和联邦政府会在财政年度初制定预算方案。 |
The state ideology of juche (self-reliance) has much in common with Mao's isolationism.
国家意识形态的“主体思想”(自力更生)在许多方面与毛泽东的隔离主义很类似。 |
The state ideology was rigid but it did, in a way, succeed in strengthening Iraq's fragile sense of nationhood.
而且,国家的意识形态虽然僵化,但从某种程度上它却成功地强化了伊拉克脆弱的国家地位意识。 |
The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome.
整句话的意思是:在她出生的洲有专门针对象她那一类人并将他们列为不受欢迎人士的法律。 |
The state information center forecast year-average consumer inflation of 3.3 percent in 2007, a bit higher the central bank research department's 3.2 percent projection.
国家信息中心预测2007年的年度物价上涨率保持在3.3%,比中央银行研究部门的3.2%的预测高出了一个百分点. |
The state is Markov process in appropriate expanded space and the accurate stationary solution, which is the probability density function of velocity response, can be obtained by solving its corresponding FPK equation.
在适当扩大了的空间中,其状态是马尔可夫的,通过求解对应的FPK方程可得到精确稳态解,即速度响应的概率密度函数。 |
The state is encouraging the central region to exploit its geographical and economic advantages to quicken the pace of its reform, opening up and development, modernize its agriculture, and build key areas for commercial grain production, strengthen its i
国家支持中部地区发挥区位优势和经济优势,加快改革开放和发展步伐,加强现代农业和重要商品粮基地建设,加强基础设施建设,发展有竞争力的制造业和高新技术产业,提高工业化和城镇化水平。 |
The state is now home to an estimated 252 wolves.
州政府现在估计其有效数为252只。 |
The state legislatures act in much the same way, although the process for enacting a bill within the legislatures is often more streamlined.
尽管通常州立法机关制定议案的程序更为简捷,但方式都是非常相似的。 |