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Keyword advertisingis the online ad world's biggest current success story.

Keep the faith. Keep supporting the team and the club. That\'s all I want to say.This is a fantastic club that you support. 坚持信念.坚持对球队和球会的支持.这就是我想要说的,你们支持的是一间梦幻般的球会!
Keep the money,the king said to Haman, and do with the people as you please. 11王对哈曼说,这银子仍赐给你,这民也交给你,你可以随意待他们。
Keep watching for the breeze,Grandma says softly, and I uh-huhin reply. Bugs ping the screen. Three blocks away a train rumbles by. “等着风起来吧。”外婆轻声说,我嗯哼作答。虫子砰砰地撞在纱窗上。三个街区外,火车正隆隆驶过。
Keep your wand at the ready, Harry,he said brightly. “把魔杖准备好,哈利。”他语调轻快地说。
Kevin, why are you always late? “凯温,你为什么老迟到?”
Keyword advertisingis the online ad world's biggest current success story. “关键词广告”是当前在线广告业最成功的事例。
Kezman wants to leave Chelsea and we can offer him the perfect place to rediscover his confidence,\del Nido told The Sun. “凯日曼希望离开切尔西,而我们可以为他提供一个绝佳的场所帮助他恢复信心。”德尔尼多在接受《太阳报》采访时表示。
Khalid Boulahrouz will train with the group for the first time on Thursday and maybe in one more week he can play. “周四博拉鲁兹就将首次随队训练,他应该可以打更多的比赛。”
Kids are inherently very musical,says their teacher Ruth Schecter, who runs a Boston-area program called Start with Music. They love to move to music, to sing. 他们的老师露丝·施克特说:“孩子们天生就喜欢音乐,喜欢随着音乐动起来,唱起来。”露丝负责一个名为“音乐启蒙”的波士顿地区教学课程。
Kids love toilet humour,she laughed. 她笑说,孩子喜欢有关厕所的幽默。
Kieron Dyer rang me up to let me know exactly what was going on and I'll never forget what he said. 凯隆.代尔给打电话告诉我正在发生的一切,我永远也忘不了当时他说的话。

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