Control over the use of one's ideasreally constitutes control over other people's lives; and it is usually used to make their lives more difficult.
“控制人如何使用自己的想法”实际构成了控制人们的生活;并且通常这会使他们的生活更加困难。 |
Controlling Nuclear Warheads and Materials.Research Library. NTI.
控管核弹头和核物质,NTI之研发中心. |
Controversy aside, The Passion is ultimately a movie -- and a masterful one at that, obviously the work of an extremely talented filmmaker.
撇开论辩不谈,<耶稣受难记>基本上是一部电影--一部专横的电影,明显表现在电影制造者绝对天才的工作上。 |
Controversy aside, it is dramatically intense, skillfully constructed and often harrowing, in ways that should have an impact on people of any or no particular faith.
撇开论辩不谈,(<基督受难记>)引人注目的热情、充满技巧的结构、以及其通篇的悲剧性,无时不刻都会对任何有或没有宗教信仰的人们造成一种冲击。 |
Controversy over whether it will inflame anti-Semitism guarantees huge audiences, and many people may be profoundly moved. But as a film it is quite bad.
评论一直在争论这部影片是否会给反犹太主义者带来巨大的观众群,而且许多人也许会被深深地打动了。但是作为电影它确实非常糟糕。 |
Conventional footwear is designed to keep the foot stable so the muscles are more relaxed.
“传统的鞋旨在保持脚部的稳定,所以肌肉的状态要松弛的多。” |
Conversation, a word with four syllables. Do you want some ice before your brain overheats?
谈一谈,一个四音节单词。在你头脑发热前要不要来点冰块降降温? |
Convert to Islam. Repent later.
假意改信回教,将来才悔过. |
Conveyancemeans vessels, aircraft, trains and other motor vehicles.
“交通工具”指船舶、航空器、列车和其他车辆。 |
Corporate espionage is big business,its report says. Data is often priceless property. Stealing trade secrets, information or contacts is a lucrative money-spinner for cybercriminals.
报告称:“商业间谍是一个大行业。通常数据都是无价的。对于网络罪犯来说,盗取商业秘密、信息或者合同都是极为赚钱的买卖。” |
Corporate umbrella branding strategyis to employ a corporate brand as an endorser to support the product brand, and show both names on the package or in the advertising.
摘要「企业品牌伞策略」意指以企业名称带领个别产品品牌,为产品品牌背书的一种品牌策略,属于上下层次的影响关系,与一般品牌延伸策略中,产品与产品问的平行相互影响有所不同。 |