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No need to thank me. That's what I am here for.

No need to read the report word by word, just take a brief look over it. 现在,不要逐字读报告,大致地看一下就可以了。
No need to set most of the states if programmable shaders are used. 假如你使用可编程着色就没有必要再设置一系列的状态。
No need to shout! Please try to control yourself. 没必要大喊大叫,请克制自己。
No need to shut down server, make it read only or anything like it. 无需关机,只需设置为只读或者类似只读的限制。
No need to spend your hard-earned cash on cool antiques. Refurbish and recycle something you get for free. 不必把辛苦赚来得钱花在精致古董上,重新粉刷,回收利用免费的东西。
No need to thank me. That's what I am here for. 不谢!这就是我在这里的缘故啊!
No need to worry, Dave! I see someone over there dressed up as a monk! 戴夫,你不需要担心!我看到那里有人打扮得像和尚一样。
No need to worry, Water Bearer, you look stunning no matter what you do. 根本没必要担心,瓶子,无论你做什么,你看上去都很漂亮。
No needful service is to be looked as base. 无必要的服务看起来很卑贱。
No new agreements were announced after Oval Office negotiations and a working lunch. 在总统办公室会谈和工作午餐之后,没有新的声明发表。
No new evidence emerged during the enquiry. 在调查过程中未发现新证据.

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