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It argues that the US ban is in direct contravention to a ruling by the WTO last year that the US amend some of its legislation to permit Antiguan gaming operations to offer their services to US citizens on a level playing field.

It apply to medicene,yt can single and double packet pill,capsule. 适用于医药行业,可对片剂、胶囊等药品进行单片或双片的双铝遮光包装。
It apply to medicine,food,cosmetics trade.It can automation full materials for particulate matter,tablet,sticky materials. 适用于药品、食品、化妆品行业,可对颗粒、片剂、粘稠物料进行自动充填上料包装。
It argues that Shui Dang Dang women's patriotic language linking women and Taiwan nation is similar to KMT's National Women's League of the R.O.C.. Since 2000, Shui Dang Dang women indeed have started to get in public affairs and help DPP to ensure politi 研究中发现,水当当投身国家大事的驱动力延续着中国革命以来的爱国语言,尽管在组织型态和个人的能动性上突破了妇联会的傅统,让「妇女」撑起了选举政治的「半边天」,然而面对国家里的父权结构,却仍显得捉衿见肘,力犹未逮。
It argues that Shui Dang Dang women's patriotic language linking women and Taiwan nation is similar to KMT's National Women's League of the R.O.C.. Since 2000, Shui Dang Dang women indeed have started to get in public affairs and help DPP to ensure politi 研究中发现,水噹噹投身国家大事的驱动力延续著中国革命以来的爱国语言,尽管在组织型态和个人的能动性上突破了妇联会的传统,让「妇女」撑起了选举政治的「半边天」,然而面对国家里的父权结构,却仍显得捉衿见肘,力犹未逮。
It argues that charging policy, based on marginal cost pricing, is economically efficient, and facts show that relevant principles are more widely accepted by airport operators. 利用边际成本定价模式确定飞机所需交纳的起降费从经济学角度来说是富于效率的,并且相关的原则也为越来越多的机场所采纳。
It argues that the US ban is in direct contravention to a ruling by the WTO last year that the US amend some of its legislation to permit Antiguan gaming operations to offer their services to US citizens on a level playing field. 它认为美国的法案违背WTO去年制订的规则,按照该规则美国要改进立法,允许安提瓜的博彩营运商在公平竞争的环境下,为美国公民提供服务。
It argues that, because of externality of operator's behavior, it will lead to operator's short behavior if the residue right is not given to operator wholly. 认为由于经营者行为的外部性,当景区剩余索取权没有全部给予经营者时,将会导致经营者的短期行为。
It argues the ADB should reduce its current emphasis on poverty reduction, stress environmentally sustainable growth, and act as a financial intermediary to connect borrowers and lenders within Asia. 报告主张,亚行应减少目前对减贫的关注,转而强调环保的可持续性增长,发挥金融中介的作用,充当亚洲内部借款者与贷款者的桥梁。
It arrived in early summer and for four months sat there while builders slowly filled it with rubble, doors and old kitchen units ripped out of the house opposite. 它是初夏被放到这里来的,连续4个月一直在那里,建筑工人在装修对面的房子,他们把拆除下来的碎石、门、厨房配件丢进这翻斗车,慢慢把它填满。
It arrives at each grand prix fully prepared with six complete nosecone and wing sections, two for each race car and two for the spare, ready to bolt on at a moment's notice. 每一站比赛我们都准备6套完整的前鼻翼和小翼结构,每一个车手有2套,还有2套最为零部件为车手所共享使用。
It artificially softens the borders of shadows; when the Samples is set very low, you can expect poor results, so Dither is better used with medium Samples values. 这样可以逼真地锐化阴影的边界;当采样值很低时,效果很差,所以抖动和中度采样值一起使用。

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