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Cherry and Ted were unhappily married, but each had determined to make the best of a bad job.

Cherishing the flowers and grass is our duty. 爱护花草是我们的责任。
Cherishing the prestigious corporate culture of endless innovation, Motorola University is to contribute to the company's sustained success by adding values to customers. 摩托罗拉推崇不断创新的企业文化,以“帮助客户获得成功”为目标,追求自身的永续经营。
Cherokee rose is a natural fruit used to produce liquor and the relative technical operations are simple including raw materials treatment, fruits grinding, steaming, starter preparation, cooling and bacteria culture, barrel entry fermentation, and steame 摘要金樱子,属自然生长的一种果实,利用其酿造白酒的生产工艺操作简单,包括原料处理、果实粉碎、蒸料、曲药配制、摊凉培菌、入捅发酵、入甑烤酒等工序。
Cherries are not in season yet. 还不到樱桃的季节。
Cherry For Wedding - Services include picking the place of banquet, choosing the photographer, make up assistant, grown, decoration, car rental, flowers, invitation card and gifts. 服务包括租婚纱礼服、印囍帖、拍摄及录影、新娘化妆、结婚花球、花车及场地布置、回礼礼物、租花车、饼咭、新婚网页设计等。
Cherry and Ted were unhappily married, but each had determined to make the best of a bad job. 彻丽和特德的婚姻不很美满,但他们彼此都决定随遇而安。
Cherry nose——a flesh-colored nose. 肉色的鼻子。
Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 樱桃树在早春开花。
Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads. 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。
Chertoff said the United State will enact additional security measures at airports, train stations and other mass transit stations this week as the country prepares to celebrate the July Fourth Independence Day holiday. 谢托夫表示由于美国将要为庆祝七月四号的美国独立纪念日做好准备工作,美国将会通过在这个星期颁布法律,增加机场,火车站和其他公交站台的安全措施。
Chertoff said the United States will enact additional security measures at airports, train stations and other mass transit stations this week, as the country prepares to celebrate the July Fourth Independence Day holiday. 表示本周,美国将在机场,火车站以及其他大型运输站制定额外的安全措施,因为人民准备庆祝7月4日独立日。

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