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The theory of implicit learning is of great significance for English writing.

The theory of evolution is beyond the reach of my imagination. 演化的理论超乎我能想像的範围。
The theory of flywheel energy storage and its application are introduced in this paper. 摘要介绍了飞轮储能技术的基本原理和应用。
The theory of fuzzy neural network (FNN) modeling for nonlinear systems is presented. 摘要论述了模糊系统和神经网络相结合的非线性系统辨识理论。
The theory of governing revolution, one important part of governance theory, consists of three parts, namely, the demonstration and development of revolution in city-state, the cause of revolution and measures of governing revolution. 如何治乱的理论是其执政理论的重要组成部分,可归纳为城邦动乱的表现及发展趋势、城邦致乱的原因以及城邦治乱的措施三个方面。
The theory of human capital in Marxism is discussed in this paper from four aspects: the implication of artificer reveals the human capital's connotation; the explanation to the value of labor force implies investment in human capital; the difference betw 摘要本文从马克思主义理论的四个方面阐述了其中所包含的人力资本理论:劳动者的界定揭示了人力资本的内涵;劳动力价值的内容包括了人力资本投资的行为;剩余价值和利润的区别也就是把价值增殖看作是人力资本的产物还是物质资本的产物;生产自动化条件下剩余价值源泉这一问题的分析揭示了人力资本的外延。
The theory of implicit learning is of great significance for English writing. 摘要内隐学习理论对大学英语写作教学有重要的启示意义。
The theory of inspects inter-quality of fruit by using spectroscopy and imaging is light migration in fruit tissue. 摘要水果组织内光子传输特性是利用光谱和光谱图像检测农产品内在品质的理论基础。
The theory of inversed kinematics (IK) was mainly introduced, the IK motional control methods based on Jacobian Matrix were studied. 摘要应用基于雅可比矩阵的逆向运动学运动控制方法,对抽油机运动规律进行了分析。
The theory of management by objectives innovate the universities' ideological and political education management by managing notion and managing mode, however, the applicability and scientificalness of management by objectives to the universities' ideolog 目标管理理论从管理理念和管理模式对高校思想政治教育管理进行了创新,但是,对于高校思想政治教育实施目标管理的适用性及科学性,要从其含义、意义、实施措施以及注意事项等诸方面进行详细的论证,以全面加强和改进高校思想政治教育管理工作的规范性和有效性。
The theory of modularization can give us a persuasive explanation about this issue in theory and we analyse it in this paper. 模块化理论可以为这种组织结构的建立提供一种有说服力的理论解释,本文对此进行了分析。
The theory of nonlinear gradual collocation of white noise is a special example of nonlinear gradual collocation of color noise. 白噪声条件下的非线性系统的逐步拟合推估是有色噪声条件下的非线性逐步拟合推估一个特例。

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