This observer did not hear anyone declare the scene safe, the fire out, etc.
观察者没有听到任何人宣布现场已安全、大火已扑灭等。 |
This observer never saw a “size up” conducted by any responding staff member.
观察员一直没看到任何反应人员组成“规模”的团队。 |
This obstacle splits a previously homogeneous population into two, preventing interbreeding between the new populations and allowing them to drift apart genetically.
这种障碍将先前的均质族群分裂成两个,使牠们无法交配,让牠们各自遗传漂变而渐行渐远。 |
This obviously derails the forward-momentum process.
很明显这是前进途中的一大障碍。 |
This occurred like clockwork about every half hour until sunrise.
就像上了发条似的这声音每半个小时响一次,一直持续到天亮。 |
This occurred some 300 million years ago, and as a portion of Earth shattered and split off, the libraries of knowledge inherent in what was destroyed were indeed lost.
这大约发生在300万年以前,因为地球的一部分被粉碎和分裂,内在的知识库在毁坏中确实被丢失了。 |
This occurs as the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) ceases to be produced by the pituitary gland in the brain.
这是因为人类生长荷尔蒙(HGH)停止由大脑中的垂体腺分泌时发生。 |
This occurs as the body rises in vibration through biological transmutation, allowing for what has fractured in spirit to be integrated into the auric field, subtle bodies and gridwork of the form.
这发生在当身体通过生物上的变化而上升振动、让灵魂碎裂的部分整合进形态的金域、精微体和晶格层里的时候。 |
This occurs most often in the esophagus, but may also be seen elsewhere in the GI tract.
常常发生在食管,但也可以发生在上消化道任何地方。 |
This occurs on epithelial surfaces.
图示溃疡形成于上皮表面。 |
This occurs only when the second fork is tuned to a resonant harmonic of the first tuning fork's note or waveform.
当第二个音叉被调谐到与第一个音叉调谐音或波形能发生谐波共振的时候这些才会出现。 |