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They showed mercy to their enemies.

They showed immense courage in the face of danger. 他们在面对危险时表现得非常勇敢。
They showed it by being the first to vote for, and overwhelmingly approve, the EU constitution. 他们最先投票通过了欧盟宪法,而且是以压倒性方式证明他们的这种决心(想成为欧洲人)。
They showed mathematically that if this were true, the orbital periods of the two stars should change by exactly the amount astronomers observed. 他们用数学方法得的双星运行周期的变化量正好符合天文学家们的观测结果。
They showed me a map to me. 他们拿出一幅地图给我看。
They showed me into a bleak waiting room with plain walls and a few uncomfortable-looking chairs. 他们引我到一间荒凉的会客室内,墙上没有任何装饰,屋内只有几把破旧不堪的椅子。
They showed mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。
They showed nothing but contempt for him. 他们对他轻蔑已极.
They showed nothing but contempt for him. 他们的正义感保护他们不被别人轻视。
They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument. 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。
They showed that the electric field is confined near the ceiling, leaving only the magnetic field to transfer the energy to a smaller receiving loop a few metres away. 他们指出,电场将被限制在天花板附近,因而只有磁场可将电能传送至几米开外的一个更小的接收线圈。
They showed us about the house with much flourish. 他们领我们看遍了房子,颇有炫耀的神色。

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