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Cancer, an aggressively spreading kind, had already invaded thirteen of my lymph nodes.

Cancer treatments and strong pain killers like morphine can also cause itchiness. 癌症治疗和强效止痛剂例如吗啡也可能引起搔痒。
Cancer treatments and strong painkillers like morphine can also cause itchiness. 癌症疗法及强镇痛剂如吗啡也会引发搔痒。
Cancer vaccination with dendritic cells involves more than a single shot at the doctor's office. 用树突细胞的癌症疫苗接种,可不是在诊所里打上一针那麽简单。
Cancer vaccinologists often compare their field with that of monoclonal antibodies a decade ago, when those molecules that can, say, block a specific receptor on a cell had fallen into disrepute. 癌症疫苗学家经常把他们的研究领域比做10年前的单株抗体;单株抗体这种分子能够阻断某个变坏细胞上头的特定受体。
Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future. 在可以预见的将来癌症将可以征服。
Cancer, an aggressively spreading kind, had already invaded thirteen of my lymph nodes. 癌症,已经扩散到我的淋巴节的十三处了。
Cancer:Gemini that you change much to the obstinate self-will, idea covers not to live completely, but the but again always can't resist the attraction of Gemini. 巨蟹座:你对刁蛮任性、心思多变的双子座完全罩不住,但却又总是无法抗拒双子座的吸引力。
Cancerous cells that have entered the blood, however, are still prevented from causing further disease by the protective shield of a protein called MUC1 in which the cancerous cells are eventually destroyed by our immune system. 癌症细胞进入血液后,在一种称为MUC1的蛋白质的防护屏蔽作用下,最终被人体免疫系统破坏,不能够进一步扩散。
Cancers are a particular concern that will impact on the cost of healthcare over the longer term. 癌症尤其令人担忧,它将对卫生保健成本造成长期影响。
Cancún, appealing as a winter holiday destination to both Americans and Europeans, is the fourth most expensive global city. 坎昆是吸引美欧游客的一个冬季度假胜地,现已成为全球第四大费用高昂的城市。
Candesartan is a highly selective angiotensin Ⅱ type Ⅰ receptor blocker, mainly used in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. 摘要坎地沙坦是一个高选择性血管紧张肽Ⅱ受体Ⅰ拮抗药,主要用于高血压和心力衰竭的治疗。

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