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To participate in such fundamental economic revolutionary, objectively, auction companies with abundant capital and advanced technical means were needed; at the same time, subjectively, the system of such auction companies must be in conformity with the m

To paraphrase the question, Tertullian asks what relationship exists between the world of revealed religion—in which God's self-manifestation is the ultimate source of knowledge—and the free intellectual inquiry of Greek philosophy. 为了让问题更明了,德尔图良又问,一个信奉天启教,把上帝的自显作为知识的最终源头,另一个则是对希腊哲学自由而理性追求,两者究竟是何关系?
To partially compensate for less destructive power, however, engineers can design earth-penetrating technology that allows a nonnuclear warhead to dive deeper and detonate closer to its target. 不过为了尽量弥补破坏力较小的缺憾,工程师可以设计出特殊的钻地技术,让非核弹头更深入地下,接近目标后引爆。
To participate in either study, women must be under age 40 and able to isit the Stanford clinic on a regular schedule. For more information, call the IF clinic at (650) 498-7911. 不管参加哪项研究的妇女,年龄必须在40岁以下,并且能够按规定的日程前往斯坦福大学门诊就诊。欲了解更多信息,请致电IF门诊,电话:(650)498-7911。
To participate in mould manufacturing and maintenance. 参与模具制造和维修。
To participate in setting the accounting and management method of construction cost based on the competent department's rules of construction cost accounting and management, and manage and operate the transaction strictly in accordance with internal contr 依据上级主管部门关于基建成本管理与核算的相关规定,参与制定基建成本管理制度及核算办法,并严格按内控流程进行管理及操作。
To participate in such fundamental economic revolutionary, objectively, auction companies with abundant capital and advanced technical means were needed; at the same time, subjectively, the system of such auction companies must be in conformity with the m 参与如此重大的经济革命,客观上不仅需要资本雄厚、技术手段先进的拍卖公司出现,同时主观上也要求此类拍卖公司的体制必须符合经济改革所欲求的模式。
To participate in the Olympiad more important than to get victory. 在奥林匹克运动会中最重要的事情是参与,而不是取胜。
To participate in the Web-enabled features, a person would first have to download Toshiba's firmware. 如果用户希望使用网络功能,则需要预先下载东芝的固件。
To participate it please contact our Exposition Department. 参展请与博览会展览部联系。
To participate successfully in this new environment, nonprofits must be able to articulate coherent, well-structured strategies that will allow them to deliver on their chosen mission. 为了成功地参与到这种新环境中,非营利组织必须要能够表达连续一致结构合理并且使他们能够完成所选使命的战略。
To pass over in silence your service for twenty years, distinguished by such valor and success, you have made your way to this place from the pillars of Hercules, from the ocean and the remotest limits of the world, advancing victorious through so many of 暂且不说你们20年来以勇敢而著称的战功,就想想你们从赫拉克斯支柱,越过大洋,从最遥远的角落来到这里的征程吧,一路上你们征服了高卢和西班牙许多最凶悍的民族;如今你们将同一支缺乏经验的军队作战,它就在今年夏天还被高卢人包围、痛击并征服,至今它的统帅和军队还互不了解。

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