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A massive wall in the front and an evil cat in the back,

A massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can help; to argue that this campaign is difficult, expensive and therefore impossible would be quite self-defeating. 开展大规模的教育运动是目前唯一行之有效的手段,因此认为这种运动难度大、代价高而无法实施完全是一种自暴自弃的态度。
A massive fire destroys warehouses in Knoxville, Tennessee and injures three firefighters. The blaze sent flames and smoke spiraling into the sky over downtown Knoxville, raining down embers. 田纳西州诺克斯维尔市一场火灾烧毁了众多仓库,三名消防人员受伤。诺克斯维尔市区浓烟滚滚,灰烬随风飘落。
A massive manhunt for the missing men has severely taxed military resources and morale at a time when the U.S. is under pressure at home over troop deployment. 围绕这三名失踪士兵开展的大规模搜救行动耗费了驻伊美军大量的人力和物力,并严重的削弱了驻伊美军的士气,而美国因对伊军事部署的问题上一直倍受来自国内的压力。
A massive repatriation programme started when Bangladesh was created in December 1971. 1971年12月孟加拉国成立后开始执行大规模遣返计划。
A massive rock formation blocked the end of the valley. 一块巨大的岩石横在山谷的尽头。
A massive wall in the front and an evil cat in the back, 前面是一堵墙,后面是一只恶猫,
A mastectomy by itself would result in a concave chest front, no nipples, and more obtrusive scars. 要是单纯的乳房切除,那可能只是使胸部前方凹陷,没了乳头,以及留下明显的疤痕。
A master of the arcane arts. His gameplay is very unique and advanced. The single spell he can cast varies with what minor reagents he has active. 精通神秘技巧的大师。他的手法非常的独特而前卫,他施展的法术是随著他使用了不同元素球而改变。
A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely. 包装的高手在于不留痕迹地将艺术与自身浑然一体,这时被包装的人不再是商品,而是一个生动可爱的人。
A master page is a template for other pages, with shared layout and functionality. 通过共享布局以及功能块,一个主页可针对其他页面成为一个模板。
A master programmer passed a novice programmer one day. The master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game. Excuse me, he said, may I examine it? 有一天编程大师碰见了一个正玩掌上游戏机的编程新手,他说:“给我看一下?”

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