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Promote cells regeneration, instantly lift and firm eye skin, remove fine line in canthus; replenish fatty acid, constantly moisturize skin; with outstanding effect for droopy skin, firm the connective tissue, keep eye skin firm, fade eye bags, promote ly

Promote and sell industrial and electronic adhesive to electronic manufacturer. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的电子胶粘剂产品。
Promote and sell industrial materials of lead-free soldering materials to electronic manufacturer. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的无铅焊料产品。
Promote and sell industrial materials of lead-free soldering materials to electronic manufacturers. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的无铅焊料产品。
Promote and sell industrial materials of lead-free solderpaste to electronic manufacturer. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的无铅锡膏产品。
Promote and sell spare parts, provide assistance for sales of upgrades and service of ice cream equipment. 销售冰淇淋设备的备品备件,并对冰淇淋设备更新改造和服务做辅助支持。
Promote cells regeneration, instantly lift and firm eye skin, remove fine line in canthus; replenish fatty acid, constantly moisturize skin; with outstanding effect for droopy skin, firm the connective tissue, keep eye skin firm, fade eye bags, promote ly 激发肌肤内部细胞再生能力,快速有效地提拉眼周线条,从而抚平眼角细纹;并提供必须脂肪酸,密集而持续地湿润肌肤;对松弛的肌肤发挥功效,加强联结组织体,使眼周肌肤更加紧实,眼袋变小,加强活性机能,使淋巴液回流畅顺,美目神采焕发。
Promote client involvement if possible. 可能时鼓励病人参与。
Promote condition to prevent parching, prolong continuous working time more than one time.Larger applicant scope,both thin and glutinous materials can be adapted.Only O-type ring should be replaced when maintaining without heavy tools and dead angles.Wash 改善了结垢的状况,连续生产时间延长一倍以上,适用范围更加宽广,稀薄状、粘稠状物料均能胜任,维护时只要更换O形圈,无需笨重的工具,无死角,清洗彻底,效率高,换热效率远大于盘管式,传热系数接近板式,制造成本较高,占地面积较大。
Promote cultural and linguistic diversity //in and for the information society. 推动文化和语言多样性,在信息社会这样做,并为信息社会服务。
Promote gender equality and empower women. 三、提倡性别的平等教育,提高女性学习。
Promote ideological and ethical progress. (三)切实加强思想道德建设。

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