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Thousands of people died of famine.

Thousands of people are remembering the deadly tsunami that struck the beaches on the Indian Ocean two years ago today. 数千人都无法忘记两年前的今天袭击印度海周边沙滩的灾难性飓风。
Thousands of people attended a memorial service in Connecticut for a woman and her two daughters killed in a home invasion. 成千上万的人们在美国康涅狄格州的一个纪念活动为的是一个妇女和她的两个女儿在一场入室抢劫中死去。
Thousands of people attended the meeting. 数千人参加了会议。
Thousands of people cohabit without being married. 数以千计的人没有结婚就同居。
Thousands of people died of famine . 千千万万的人死于饥荒。
Thousands of people died of famine. 千千万万的人死于饥荒。
Thousands of people died unnatural deaths. 数千人死于非命。
Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. 全世界成千上万的人来参观这座著名的大学城。
Thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the ancient Olympic Games, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator. 成千上万人会从希腊各地赶来观看古代奥运会,但已婚女性连当观众的资格都没有。
Thousands of people going to work and coming back home are taken by the trains and subway of Tokyo. 东京的火车和地铁每天接送成千上万的上下班.
Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample. 现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品.

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