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How could trace your hair to wipe your tears?

How could they just let her wander off alone like this? 我奇怪她的爸爸妈妈在哪里,他们怎么能让她这样独自一人闲逛呢?
How could they reach such a high level? 怎样才能练习到他们的程度?
How could this happen to me! 我怎么会遇到这种事啊!
How could this happen to me, mom,my life just burst like a ballon… 为什么会这样对我,妈妈,我的生活就像气球一样破裂了…
How could this possibly be! 这事怎么有可能呢!
How could trace your hair to wipe your tears? 妾欲寻君之发擦君之泪而不可。
How could we allow a policy to be pursued whose direct cost would be to speed the death of 15 to 30 million Africans, and whose only real benefit would be to uphold the “sanctity” of an idea? 我们怎么可以追求一项政策,而不顾它的直接代价是一千五百万到三千万非洲人的生命,而此项政策的实际利益仅仅是某种思想的“圣洁性”?
How could we end it all this way. 我们怎能以这种方式将它终结。
How could we have spent so much money on that expensive meal or vacation that has long faded from our memory? Did we really have that much fun? 我们会禁不住问自己:怎么会为早已没什么印象了的那顿饭或那次休假花那么多钱呢?当时我们真有那么快活吗?
How could we let it slip away. 我们怎能让它溜走。
How could we stop them once they reached this malignant state? 一旦它们演变到这种有害的状态,我们要如何制止?

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