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The vast majority of Métis scatter all over the country, and only a small number of them reside in the Métis settlements in Alberta.

The vast immensities of the universe do not fit in their little minds, so they bring them down to size. 浩淼无边的宇宙都盛不下他们小小的心,这些心把这宇宙变小了。
The vast interior is thus wholly free of suggestion of ponderous load, and its effect is that of a weightless golden shell that seems to possess a miraculous inherent stability. 从而,整个辽阔的内部都没有暗示出沉重的负荷,它产生出的效果就是一个无重量的金黄色外壳,似乎是拥有一种不可思议的固有稳定性。
The vast majority are attributed to intravenous drug use, and most of those infected are under age 30. 绝大多数都是因为静脉注射毒品造成,且大多数感染的人在30岁以下。
The vast majority make up the very stuff of our lives, including languages, political systems, financial institutions, education, science and technology. 大部份迷因就是构成我们生活的那些东西,包括语言、政治系统、金融机构、教育、科学、技术。
The vast majority of Britain's 14.4million female motorists admit to putting style before safety, research shows. 调查显示,在英国1440名女司机中,大多数人承认自己将时尚置于安全之上。
The vast majority of Métis scatter all over the country, and only a small number of them reside in the Métis settlements in Alberta. 绝大多数的梅蒂斯人散居在全国各地,只是在艾伯塔省有少量的梅蒂斯人居住在为他们设立的定居点内。
The vast majority of all the revenue in the software business is because Microsoft has a uniform platform that has gotten out to go around the world. 软件业的收益如此巨大是因为微软有一个标准的平台应用于全世界。
The vast majority of cane is grown on family-owned farms ranging from 40 to 250 hectares. Around 84 ha of sugarcane is harvested each year on an average sized 110 ha property. 绝大多数的甘蔗是家庭式农场种植的,种植面积从40公顷到250公顷不等。(在澳大利亚的甘蔗种植区)有大约76%的土地用于甘蔗种植。
The vast majority of lung cancer originated in bronchial epithelium, but there are a few cancer in alveolar epithelial origin or bronchial glands. 绝大多数肺癌起源于支气管粘膜上皮,但亦有少数癌肿起源于肺泡上皮或支气管腺体。
The vast majority of women do not know that cervical cancer is caused by a sexually transmitted infection. 相当多的女性不知道,子宫颈癌由一个经由性行为传输感染所引起。
The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles. 辽阔的平原绵延数百英里。

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