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After having translated a text, I proofread it three times.

After having read all this, I can say I'm brimming with fury as I write this blog entry. 看完以后,我可以说是强忍着愤怒,来写这篇日志。
After having read the book written by the founder of the City Of The Dead tour I was really looking forward to going on it. 在拜读了景点“死亡城”创始人所写的书后,我由衷地憧憬着能到此一游。
After having some breakfast, the girls left. 吃了一些早餐,女孩们都走了。
After having taken the course for several months, Li Xin gradually made a progress in his English composition. 上了几个月的课,李新的英文写作渐渐有了进步。
After having this knitting class, what have you got from it? 通过上编折能力课,你有什么收获和体会。
After having translated a text, I proofread it three times. 在完成翻译后,我会校订三次。
After he arrives, let's go for a walk. 他到达之后,我们去散步吧。
After he became famous, he receives 50 letters a day on average. 他出名后,平均一天收到五十封信。
After he bought the new car, his friends started to call him a bourgeois. 他买了新车之后,朋友们开始称他为中产阶级。
After he comes, I shall start. 他来之后我就要出发。
After he died, the Church declared him a saint. 在他去世之后,他生前所在的教堂宣布他为圣徒。

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