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Metacognitive Strategies: e.g., centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning.

Metacaulk Cable Coating is an ablative intumescent water based sprayable coating designed to resist the spread (propagation) of fire along the cable jacketing and to extend the circuit integrity of the electrical cables. 麦塔克电缆涂料是一种可剥离膨胀型水基性涂料设计用于阻止火焰沿著电缆披护蔓延及延长电缆线路的完整。
Metacaulk Cable Coating is virtually odor free and contains no solvents. 麦塔克电缆涂料事实上是低气味且不含溶剂。
Metachromasia, electrophoresis, and gel chromatography have shown that the charge of MPS and its chain length remain unchanged. 利用药物的变色反应性,电泳和凝胶色谱法显示MPS(多磺酸粘多糖)的电荷及其链长没有改变。
Metachromatic granules contain RNA and polyphosphates They are deeply stained with aniline dyes。They are characteristic features of the corynebacteria. 异染颗粒含RNA和多聚磷酸盐。用苯胺染料可浓染。是棒状杆菌的特点。
Metacognition refers to higher order thinking that involves active control over the thinking processes involved in learning. 元认知就是某种更高层次的思考活动,它能够活跃的监控学习过程中的思想活动。
Metacognitive Strategies: e.g., centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning. 后设认知策略:例如,集中学习、安排计划学习、评估学习。
Metacognitive strategy plays a dominant role in the system of learning strategies and is the key to cultivating students' ability of autonomous learning. 摘要元认知策略在学习策略体系中占据主导地位,因此是培养学生自主学习能力的关键。
Metadiscourse is a new theory of reading and writing which is based on the interpersonal and textual functions of language. 摘要亚言语是建立在语言交际和篇章功能基础上的一种新的指导写作和阅读的理论。
Metafiles A metafile is a collection of GDI commands stored in a binary form. 元文件-元文件是以二进制形式存储的GDI命令的集合。
Metafiles are used primarily to transfer representations of vector graphic drawings through the clipboard. 元文件最初用于通过剪贴板传递矢量图形绘制的图像。
Metagems - Metagems are only usable in high-level helms. 镶嵌宝石——镶嵌宝石只有在高等级的头盔中才有用。

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