Old mountain pool scenery before has patted, remembered has free time sends in for everybody has a look.
老山塘的景色以前拍过,记得有空给大家发来看看。 |
Old newspaper can be useful.
旧报纸有时候还是有用的。 |
Old newspapers can be useful.
旧报纸有时候还是有用的。 |
Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.
油性皮肤的年老奥利替老爷的汽车入汽油。 |
Old people are hardest hit by the rising cost of living.
生活费用上升,老年人最受影响。 |
Old people are usually more conservative than young people.
老年人通常比年轻人保守。 |
Old people need warm clothes in winter.
老年人冬季需要暖和的衣服。 |
Old people should face up to the fact that they are no longer young.
老年人应该勇敢地承认和面对不再年轻这一事实。 |
Old pitons should not be reused once they fall out.
老旧的岩钉一旦脱出之后,就不得重新加以使用。 |
Old pressings and new releases offer unlimited choice of artists and repertoire, often for modest cost.
新加旧的发行提供了无限的音乐选择,而且通常所费无几。 |
Old shoes do not pinch.
旧鞋是不夹脚的。 |