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The north wind brings forth rain; And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.

The north region of the country is mountainous. 这个国家的北部地区是山区。
The north side Indian Spain of mountain area that installs cave and have a hundred years in oasis village more church, and old west mine site town — — holy tower Luo Sha advantage is inferior, is worth for one to swim , crossing desert to go to pull Ba Si 北边山区印第安洞穴的绿洲村内有百年以上的西班牙教堂,和旧西部矿场城镇——圣塔罗莎利亚,都值得一游,穿过沙漠前往拉巴斯欣赏夜色,或扬帆驶向哥得斯海及洛斯卡外海,可尽情享受垂钓之乐。
The north side of the river is currently under massive reconstruction. 目前,江北正在大拆迁、大建设,市民大部分已搬走。
The north side was also a hundred cubits long and had twenty posts and twenty bronze bases, with silver hooks and bands on the posts. 11北面也有帷子,宽一百肘。帷子的柱子二十根,带卯的铜座二十个,柱子上的钩子和杆子都是用银子作的。
The north slope on the east part of Qilian Mountains was separated into 6 vertical distribution zones: alpine cold desert meadow、alpine meadow、alpine bush meadow、mountain forest grassland、mountain grassland、and mountain desert grassland, there are also so 祁连山东部北坡根据气候、土壤、地貌等因素,分为6个垂直分布带:高山寒漠草甸带、高山草甸带、高山灌丛草甸带、山地森林草原带、山地草原带和山地荒漠草原带,有交替分布的地段。
The north wind brings forth rain; And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance. 23北风生雨,谗谤人的舌头也生怒容。
The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue. 23北风生雨,谗谤人的舌头也生怒容。
The north wind set them shivering. 北风吹得他们浑身打颤。
The north wind whistling blows, likes is warning us: Winter comes!This time creek, is much more static. The creek already entered the dreamland. 北风呼呼地吹来,像在警告我们:“冬天来啦!”此时的小河,静得可怕。小河已经进入了梦乡。
The north's campaign there, however, appears increasingly futile. 然而,北方在那里的行动显得越发不足道。
The northeast in China in Jilin. 吉林在中国的东北。

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