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They stayed in the snow for several days, cold and hungry.

They stayed behind after the party to help clear up. 聚会结束之后,他们留下来帮助收拾东西.
They stayed for most of the summer at the home of family friends near the Atlantic Ocean. 那个夏天的大部分时间里,他们住在靠近大西洋的朋友家里。
They stayed friends for years. 他们的友谊维持了多年。
They stayed in Beijing until the end of August. 他们(一直)呆在北京直到八月末。
They stayed in China for about two decades. 他们在中国总共停留了约二十年。
They stayed in the snow for several days, cold and hungry. 他们在雪地里呆了几天,又冷又饿。
They stayed keen and bright. 现在,她的目光透着机敏,炯炯有神。
They stayed there two days more. 他们在那里又呆了两天。
They stayed three nights at the hotel. 他们在旅馆里住了三夜。
They stayed up all night long debating politics and the meaning of life. 他们彻夜不眠来辩论政治与生命的意义。
They stem at the site of a knife brick repair brick wood, I just pick mud coolie, they are right, I get upset. 他们在工地上干的是用刀砖葺砖的活,我只是个挑泥浆的小工,他们都对我冷嘲热讽。

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