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Participants wish that the Promenade could provide a gathering place for people of all ages, and could reinforce coherence in the district.

Participants will have more practice and rehearsal opportunities to hone their acting skills. 参加者将有更多时间排练小品和练习对白。
Participants will learn how to develop their presentation and interpersonal skills, as well as improve on their ability to solve problems and to function effectively in teams. 通过这次活动,我们希望能和教育界一起为学生提供更多切实可用的技能.我们也十分希望能够直接和学生进行面对面的交流互动活动并在将来和学校开展更多有意义的的活动.
Participants will learn human resources functions, improve on communications and presentation skills, which are essential for effecctive management in different organizations. 学员可藉此课程增强沟通、分析、演说及团队合作的知识和技巧。
Participants will make dialogue with policy-makers, academics, and businesses from all around the world on the topic about economy and trade, and the development of society; construct communication platform with the leaders from other countries, regions a 与会企业家将与世界各地政府人士、学者和企业界人士就经济贸易和社会发展进行高层对话,与参加会义的众多国家、地区和国际组织的领导人、企业界和学术界的代表搭建互动交流的平台,实现对各议题的深入探讨,推动共识,推进亚洲经济一体化的加速发展。
Participants will receive phone call within 3 days upon enrolment, and the final confirmation letter and details will be sent via email 3 days prior to the activity. 参加者将于报名后三天内收到电话通知,而最后确认信及详情将于活动三天前以电邮形式发出。
Participants wish that the Promenade could provide a gathering place for people of all ages, and could reinforce coherence in the district. 参加者希望这个海滨长廊可为老中青年人提供一个相聚的地方,加强区内的凝聚力。
Participants wished to improve the living environment in Sham Shui Po, by planting more trees around residential areas, and building a man-made beach. 参加者希望将深水?改善成一个拥有优质生活环境的绿化地区,因此建议于住宅附近种植大量树木,并增设人造沙滩,为居民提供一个消閒好去处。
Participate actively in the classes, Speak at every opportunity, (with respect for others, of course),Actively listen to others when they are speaking. 积极参与到课堂中来。抓信每个机会说英语(当然也要尊重人)。当别人讲话时请认真倾听。
Participate and collaborate in assembly of new installations and machinery. 参与新设备和新机器的安装。
Participate in Country Management Team. 属国家管理小组成员。
Participate in HR restructuring of the group including redefining job responsibilities of major positions, making assessment on performances of key personnel and designing reporting system and remuneration packages. 参与集团人力资源重组,包括对主要职位的职责重新定义、对重要员工工作表现的考核以及设计上下级报告体系以及公司薪酬制度。

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