A Rich man -- might not notice it -- Yet -- to my frugal Eye, Of more Esteem than Ducats -- Oh find it -- Sir -- for me!
一个富人—也许不会注意到它—可是—对于我这朴素的眼力它比金钱更贵重啊先生—请为我—将它寻觅! |
A RiddleI have a head but no neck.
一则谜语我有头却没有脖子。 |
A Ring Tail lemur hides among leaves at the Lemurs Park, a private eco-tourism enterprise near Antananarivo, Madagascar.
马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛附近一家私人狐猴公园中,一只表情生动的卷尾狐猴隐身在树丛中。 |
A Road Map: The maturity levels and key process areas provide a road map to prioritize process improvement.
路线图:成熟度等级和关键过程域为确定过程改进的优先顺序提供了一个“路线图”。 |
A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominal head.
天主教教堂罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它名义上的领导 |
A Roman wife was married with wheat sheaves and, with her husband, ate a post-ceremonial cake made of wheat.
罗马女子带着麦穗出嫁,并在婚礼后和丈夫一起享用由小麦做成的蛋糕。 |
A Romanian bishop has ordered his priests to lose weight.
罗马尼亚一位主教谕令他统管的神父瘦身减肥。 |
A Romanian priest has been jailed for 14 years for conducting an exorcism that led to the death of a nun who he believed was possessed by devils.
罗马尼亚一名神父因为主持驱魔仪式时,导致一名他认为被妖魔附身的修女丧命,而被判刑14年。 |
A Ronaldinho free-kick was flighted straight into palms of Hilario to huge cheers before the card count was evened-up when Lampard fouled Messi.
此后兰帕德侵犯梅西吃到黄牌,巴萨获得前场任意球,小罗主罚的这记射门被希拉里奥轻松化解。 |
A Roper poll found that one in six Americans hired cleaning help last year, up from one in 10 in 1986.
一项洛普民意调查发现,去年有六分之一的美国雇用清洁服务,较一九八六年的十分之一比率上升许多。 |
A Rotarian since 1981 John is a member of the Rotary club of Naples, Florida, where he served as club president in 1992-93.
自1981年成为扶轮社员,约翰是那不勒斯扶轮社员,于1992-93年担任扶轮社社长。 |