On the eve of the ROC government forces' evacuation from Nanking late in April 1949, Chieng Kai-shek, then in temporary retirement from the presidency, talked with Acting President Li Tsung-jen and General Ho Ying-chin in Hangchow and decided to set up an
摘要民国三十八年(一九四九)四月,南京沦陷前夕,蒋中正与李宗仁、何应钦等在杭州对时局发展进行了一次谈话,是为「杭州会谈」,决定在中国国民党内成立一个「非常委员会」,以协助李宗仁,并建立党政关系之常轨。 |
On the eve of the World Cup Luiz Filipe Scolari declared that although he had set Portugal the specific aim of finishing in the top eight, he would do everything in his power to try and enable his team to play seven matches in Germany.
在世界杯前夕,斯科拉里宣称尽管他把葡萄牙的特定目标定为进入前8,他会尽他所能让球队在德国打完7场比赛。 |
On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars.
这样,过节的时候,小伙子就可以与自己选择的姑娘一起跳舞,庆祝节日。 |
On the eve of this festival all activities, which add to social discord or bitterness are declared taboo from the temple pulpits.
在盛典的前夕,一切增加社会不安定与苦难的活动都从寺庙讲坛被宣告禁止。 |
On the eve of war in Bosnia, two boys go looking for treasure. Oblivious to the encroaching danger, what they discover change their lives forever.
小男孩的纯真友谊因为无意中发现一把枪而面临决裂。大人们的战争,下一代是否注定延续下去? |
On the evening of 12th December, we will prepare a rich buffet dinner for you, including beer, coco cola and a variety of soft drinks.
12月12日晚上我们将准备丰盛的自助晚餐等候您的光临,我们还备有啤酒、可乐、各式饮料等等。 |
On the evening of April 14th, 2007, Chinese Technology University classroom 3121 was packed, Microsoft Search technology Club and MSRA Internet search and excavation group (WSM) interns Li Shi-Sheng and Li Zhisheng together declassified search engine for
2007年4月14日晚,中国科大西区3121教室座无虚席,微软技术俱乐部搜索技术小组与MSRA互联网搜索与挖掘组(WSM)实习生李世胜和黎志升共同为同学们解密搜索引擎。 |
On the evening of August 18, 1941, it went on the air for the first time.
1941年8月18日晚上,贝尔格莱德广播电台首次播放了这首歌。 |
On the evening of December 29, 1940, London suffers its most devastating air raid when Germans firebomb the city.
1940年12月29日早晨,伦敦遭受了二战以来最为严重的空袭。德国飞机投下的炸弹,把这个城市变成了一片火海。 |
On the evening of February 17,1973,Chairman Mao Zedong met with Dr.Henry Kissinger,national security adviser to the president of the Unitd States.
1973年2月17日晚上,毛泽东主席在中南海会见美国总统国家安全事务助理亨利-基辛格博士。 |
On the evening of June 1st, Vice Mayor of Beijing Lu Hao delivered a lecture entitled “Reflecting on the Development of Several Industries in Beijing”in the DaimlerCrysler Forum co-sponsored by Guanghua School of Management (GSM).
6月1日晚七点,北京市副市长陆昊应邀作为北大光华戴姆勒-克莱斯勒论坛的主讲人,在光华楼203报告厅,发表了题为“北京若干产业发展的思考”的演讲。 |