From his awkward groping of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to his bizarre, sexually charged relationship with Condoleezza Rice, Bush is criminally awkward around women.
从布什笨笨地给德国总理安格拉。默克尔按摩,到那些讲他与国务卿莱斯暧昧之情的闲言碎语,都说明布什对女人的这种笨拙简直是犯罪。 |
From his contradictory mentality we may see ZHU Xi's deep value concerns and emotional romantic disposition.
从朱熹对“曾点气象”的矛盾心态中,我们可以看到一代大儒那深沉的价值关怀和飞扬的浪漫主义气质。 |
From his deathbed, Alexander Litvinenko accused Russian leader Vladimir Putin in his fatal poisoning, saying Putin has no respect for life, liberty or any civilized value.
亚历山大?利特维年科在临终前,控诉是俄罗斯总统普京下令毒死他,并指责普京不尊重生命,自由和以及任何文明价值。 |
From his dramatic equalizer in the Champions League Final in Istanbul through to those spectacular long range efforts against Luton Town and Newcastle United, Alonso has certainly been a big success at Anfield.
从他在伊斯坦布尔冠军联赛决赛中戏剧性的表现到与卢顿和纽卡斯尔比赛中的精彩超远距离射门,阿隆索在安菲尔德取得了重大的成功。 |
From his employers he received a generous pension.
他从雇主那里得到了一笔可观的退休金。 |
From his face, as he staggered into the office, we gathered it was the morning after the night before.
他摇摇晃晃地走进办公室,从他的脸上,我们猜测他一定喝醉了。 |
From his firsthand experience, you can see how NASA's daily operation, and the details of Voyager mission, these are already worthwhile for the book.
当中,单是看以第一身描述美国太空总署内部的日常运作、航行者的细致内容,已经值回票价了。 |
From his fullness we have all received, favor upon favor.
从他的丰盛中,我们领受了所有,一次又一次得蒙恩宠。 |
From his knowing, came action.
从他的知识中,出现行动。 |
From his knowing, freedom was born.
从他的知识中,生出自由。 |
From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied with the exam.
我们从他的态度来推断,他对这次测验很满意。 |