Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china .
一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。 |
Generally speaking, problem analyzingaccounts for the greatest room in the editorial of the New York Times, which is characteristic of its argumentative structure.
一般说来,分析问题所占篇幅最长,这是时报社论在论证结构中的一大特色. |
Generally speaking, Catholics are of the belief that Northern Ireland's ultimate problem is the matter of its national definition; whereas Protestants believe that religion is the primary problem, which actually rests in their own attitude of ostracism to
大体而言,天主教徒认为北爱尔兰的癥结在国家定位,新教徒则认为宗教才是主因,也就是他们对于天主教的排拒;天主教徒的民族认同比新教徒来得清楚,进而反映在他们对于国家定位的看法分歧。 |
Generally speaking, Dali is employed in Xiangshi (triennial examination) and Huishi (metropolitan examination), while Xiaoti can be divided into two types: the question for Tongsheng (Pupil) and the one for the great writers of Baguwen to write for showin
一般而言,乡会试所考的是大题;而小题则有两种:一为童生所考的题目,一为八股名家出于技痒而为。 |
Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food.
我一般不爱吃辛辣的食物. |
Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork.
一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。 |
Generally speaking, I think we speak mandarin in formal, but speak Beijing tone with our friend, because it's friendly and close to you.
想学北京话,初级的看看冯导早年的电影,高级的看看王朔的小说.那就是我们的生活. |
Generally speaking, I'm inclined to agree with you.
总的说来, 我比较同意你的意见. |
Generally speaking, Lord Genghis Khan was the real national hero of Mongolian nationality and played an important part in the development of Chinese history.
总体说来,一代天骄成吉思汗无愧是蒙古民族的英雄,而且对全中国历史的发展起过重要作用。 |
Generally speaking, People in Indonesia are still not mentally prepared to carry out democracy, and they are still probably enduring throe brought by political and economic transition for a long time.
总的来说,印尼人民还没有做好推行民主的思想准备,他们可能还要长期承受政治经济转型带来的阵痛。 |
Generally speaking, a criminal offender will be punished according to the law.
一般的说刑事犯罪都会依法受到惩办。 |