The EMI &EMS laboratory facility complete on 01-Oct of 2006.
EMS东莞实验室场地完成?接受客户预约测试。 |
The EMPLOYER allows the Domestic Helper/Caretaker to contact with the Thailand Trade and Economic Office, Labour Affairs Division at least once in each calender month.
雇主同意监护工/家庭帮佣和泰国贸易经济办事处至少每月联络一次. |
The ENCHANTED DRUM is then placed on a metal base in full view.
在众目睽睽之下,魔法制造鼓被放置于一个金属基座上. |
The EPA did not reject BP's permit, so a neighbourhood fight broke out.
这次,由于EPA没有拒绝BP的排放权,因而引发了邻州之间的一场混战。 |
The EPA has been cracking down on auto emissions in an attempt to curb the smog in major cities.
环保署一直在治理汽车废气,力图控制大城市的烟雾危害。 |
The EPA has issued new regulations regarding the upkeep of narrow lanes and alleys where garbage has been allowed to gather or that provide an ideal breeding ground for disease-carrying insects.
住家后方狭窄的巷道,堆满凌乱杂物,还有废弃物品,不但妨害逃生安全,也容易滋生病源对环境卫生带来隐忧。 |
The EPA initiative categorized the compounds into four lists and pushed for further toxicity testing.
美国环保署提案将这些化合物划分为四类,并推动进一步的毒性检验。 |
The EPA raised concerns over the impact of dredging on the marine environment and of risks to indigenous fauna, in particular the flatback turtle.
对挖泥作业对海洋环境的影响,以及对本土物种,尤其是平背海龟面临的风险,澳大利亚环境保护管理局(EPA)表示担忧。 |
The EPA says it is now examining the ruling.
环保署说正在研究这一裁决。 |
The EPA will presumably hesitate to withhold its permission after its setback in court.
一般认为,由于在法庭上遭受挫败,环保署可能会痛痛快快同意。 |
The EPA, he added, continues to collect Bt crop data-but so far without evidence of “unreasonable adverse effects” on insects in the field.
他补充说,环保署会继续搜集数据,但是目前还没有证据显示这类农作物会对野外的昆虫造成“意想不到的恶果”。 |