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Basing the analysis on the experimental data, the author provides the load-bearing capacity formula of the concrete short column confined by overlapping hoops under uniaxial compression and the relationship between characteristic value of hoop and spacing

Basing on the theory of system, epistemology and of feedback control, a new security pricing model-stochastic volatility pricing model (SVPM) with jump and feedback, is proposed by amending a defect lying in the original models that neglect the important 摘要基于系统论、认识论、反馈控制论,在传统随机波动价格模型的基础上,通过修正其忽略“现实金融市场中,大事件发生比较频繁”这一事实的缺陷,同时引人证券投资者与证券价格之间的交互作用,提出一种新的证券定价模型―带跳及反馈的随机波动模型。
Basing on these, sages enhanced and developed continuously the idea of knowledge, aesthetics and creation including touching off mood with imagery, seeking ideal state with mood, attaining the virtual image hidden behind real images by breaking the fetter 正是基于“言意之辨”,先哲们不断丰富、发展了以象兴意、借象求境、“得意忘言”的认识、审美与创作思想。
Basing on this sense, the original Confucian school in the pre-Qin times interpreted the eremite motive as a moral self-consciousness and protest, embodying a consistent tension between the Confucian Dao (Way or Confucian doctrine) and politics as well as 先秦原始儒家在此基础上,对《周易》中隐逸行为的动机进行了道德化的阐释,将其归结于一种真诚的道德自觉和抗议精神,体现了儒家在道统与政统之间所始终坚持的一贯张力,以及不愿同流合污的崇高道德气节和独立不屈的政治不合作态度。
Basing on this, the paper researches the mechanism of floor heave, and analyzes the effects of gravity stress, tectonic stress, the strength of surrounding rock, terrestrial heat and imbibition water on floor heave. 在此基础上,研究深部开采条件下巷道底鼓发生的机理,并对自重应力、构造应力、围岩强度、地温、水对底鼓的影响进行了分析。
Basing ourselves on the practice of reform, opening up and modernization and keeping abreast of the latest developments in world culture, we must carry forward the fine tradition of our national culture, draw on the strong points of other nations and make 立足于改革开放和现代化建设的实践,着眼于世界文化发展的前沿,发扬民族文化的优秀传统,汲取世界各民族的长处,在内容和形式上积极创新,不断增强中国特色社会主义文化的吸引力和感召力。
Basing the analysis on the experimental data, the author provides the load-bearing capacity formula of the concrete short column confined by overlapping hoops under uniaxial compression and the relationship between characteristic value of hoop and spacing 摘要通过实验数据的分析,提出了轴心受压复合方箍短柱正截面承载力的计算公式并给出了配箍特征值与箍筋间距的关系,具有一定的实用价值。
Basing upon many years' experiences from previous consultancies for big corporations, the author, in this paper, articulates information capturing strategies of overseas' corporations via online retrieval, which with an emphasis on the approaches and tech 摘要本文根据作者多年为企业提供参考咨询服务的经验,论述了联机检索海外公司(厂商)信息的策略,重点介绍了在DIALOG国际联机检索系统中选择公司(厂商)信息数据库与编制检索式的方法与技巧。
Basing upon the layouts and principles of Yi Zhuan in interpreting Zhouyi, WANG Bi elucidated them in detail and further expounded the connotations including timeliness, governing of one or more lines in a hexagram, positions, and so on implicated in Zhou 摘要王弼在吸取《易传》乘、承、比、应、当位、中位等说的基础上,详细论述了《周易》的体例以及原则,进一步阐发了《易传》所蕴含的取义说、适时说,还提出了主爻说、初上不论位等说,确立了义理派解易的基本思想方法。
Basis also is used to refer to the difference between prices at different markets or between different commodity grades. 基差有时候也用来表示不同市场间或商品的不同等级之间的价差。
Basis point: Normally one hundredth of a percent (0.01 per cent), so 100 basis points is1 per cent. Used in quoting movements ininterest rates or yields on securities. 基点:通常为0.01%,因而100个基点即1%。用于标报利率或证券收益率的变动。
Bask in the beauty of the world around you. 尽情享受你周围这个世界里的美好事物。

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