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She has crush on me.

She has come at last. 她总算来了?
She has come back with her backpack filled with interesting picture-books. 她已经回来了,背包里塞满了有趣的图书。
She has come to sing his praise. 她是来赞美他的。
She has constructed her own home page on the Internet. 她建构了自己的网络首页。
She has cooled them just shy of absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit) and observed their funky quantum doings, leading the way into an unexplored realm that holds implications for superconductivity—the creation of resistance-less electrical flow. 她将它们冷却至接近绝对零度,观察到它们诡异的量子行为,为一个未经探索的领域开辟了一条道路,那里蕴涵了超导的奥秘,材料的电阻可骤降至近乎零。
She has crush on me. 她对我有点心动。
She has dark hair and a fresh complexion. 她头发乌黑,面色健康。
She has decamped with all our money. 她携带我们所有的钱潜逃了.
She has died as one should die. 她做到了死得如同死亡所应该的那样。
She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father's house. 因为她在父家行了淫乱,在以色列中作了丑事。
She has done her utmost to help him. 她已经尽了全力去帮助他.

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