Upon the completion of construction projects, there shall not be leakage, cracking and other defects left on roofs and walls. Construction enterprises shall repair the defects having been found out. |
中文意思: 建筑工程竣工时,屋顶、墙面不得留有渗漏、开裂等质量缺陷;对已发现的质量缺陷,建筑施工企业应当修复。 |
Upon the Japanese invasion, Chinese people, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gathered together with one mind, the rich donated money, while others contributed efforts, and built up an insurmountable Great Wall of resistance, with their flesh and
面对亡国灭种的民族危机,中华儿女,地无分南北,人无分老幼,有钱出钱,有力出力,举国上下,万众一心,用血肉筑成了一座侵略者不可逾越的新的长城。 |
Upon the abandonment of a ship, the insurer thereof is entitled to any freight in course of being earned, and which is earned by her subsequent to the casualty causing the loss, less the expenses of earning it incurred after the casualty; and, where the s
从委付船舶时起,船舶保险人有权得到正在赚取和在引起损失的事故发生后船舶收取的任何运费,减去在引起损失发生的事故后为获得该运费所支付的费用;如果船舶装载的是船舶所有人的货物,保险人有权收取在引起损失发生的事故后运输货物的合理报酬。” |
Upon the application of the consignee or consignor and being approved by the Customs General Administration, import or export goods may be exempted from examination.
经收发货人申请,海关总署批准,其进出口货物可以免验。 |
Upon the approval of the State Council the authority responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council may, within the framework of Article 16 and Article 17, independently or in collaboration with the relevant authorities under
国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者由其会同国务院有关部门,经国务院批准,可以在本法第十六条、第十七条规定的范围内,临时决定限制或者禁止前款规定目录以外的特定货物、技术的进口或者出口。 |
Upon the bank of the Nile at eventide, a hyena met a crocodile and they stopped and greeted one another.
黄昏时分,一只土狼在尼罗河岸上遇到一条鳄鱼,他们停下步来,互相致意。 |
Upon the completion of construction projects, there shall not be leakage, cracking and other defects left on roofs and walls. Construction enterprises shall repair the defects having been found out.
建筑工程竣工时,屋顶、墙面不得留有渗漏、开裂等质量缺陷;对已发现的质量缺陷,建筑施工企业应当修复。 |
Upon the consent of the State Council, the deliberation and coordination agencies of the State Council shall stipulate interim administrative measures under special or urgent circumstances.
在特殊或者紧急的情况下,经国务院同意,国务院议事协调机构可以规定临时性的行政管理措施。 |
Upon the death of the old emperor, the new emperor designated by the late emperor shall, after the funeral of the old emperor, inaugurate the grand enthronization ceremony.
老皇帝去世后,他在皇子中指定的新皇帝在料理丧事之后就要举行登基大典。 |
Upon the decease of the insured under any of the above described circumstances (I) to (XVIII), the Company ceases to have any insurance liabilities over the insured, and will reimburse the policy holder the net premium of the insured for the remained days
发生上述情形(一)至情形(十八),被保险人身故的,本公司对该被保险人保险责任终止,并对投保人按日计算退还该被保险人的未满期净保费(经过日数不足一日按一日计算)。 |
Upon the depositor's delivery of the deposit to the depository, the depository shall issue a deposit voucher thereto, except otherwise provided by the relevant usage.
第三百六十八条寄存人向保管人交付保管物的,保管人应当给付保管凭证,但另有交易习惯的除外。 |
Upon the expiration of his active service, a conscript may, according to the need of the armed forces and on a voluntary basis, extend his service.
义务兵服现役期满,根据军队的需要和本人自愿,可以超期服现役。 |