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Women are always described inferior to men.

Women and wine,game and deceit,make the wealth small and the wants great. 女人与美酒,赌博与欺诈,使财富变少,贫穷加深。
Women appear to be much more sensitive to high frequency sounds than men. 女人对高频声音似乎比男人敏感得多。
Women are all dressed-up, looking like they are going to a ball. 女士们都打扮起来,好像要去参加舞会。
Women are also breaking gender2 stereotypes with their job choices. 妇女也以其所选择的职业来打破性别的窠臼。
Women are also living longer as widows and once divorced, often opt to stay single, the report said. 此外,女性丧偶或离异后更愿意选择独身生活。
Women are always described inferior to men. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
Women are always described not a patch on men. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
Women are aways be delineate not as good as men. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
Women are constantly depicted as inferior to men. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
Women are far less likely to have high-speed collisions resulting in death. 女性开车时因高速行驶发生撞车而造成人员死亡的可能性也远远低于男性。
Women are less intelligent than men. 女性聪颖高于男性.

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