Using the 24 hours of a day to represent the lifetime of the Earth, these turbulent events are laid out and it becomes clear how soon in the planet's history the scene was set for the beginning of life.
当地球的诞生周期视为二十四小时,人类原来只在最后的三十秒才出现,而我们的祖先竟然是洞穴里的一些流质状物体? |
Using the ANSYS finite element analysis software, this paper analyzes reinforcement plate of different length welded to crane girder crack and find out the girder's stress and deformation.
摘要采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对因出现裂纹的起重机主梁而添加的补强板进行系列计算,得出修补后主梁裂纹的应力及应力强度因子的变化规律。 |
Using the BDI cutoff score of 10 and above as an indication of depression, 59.7% of subjects were identified as nondepressed; 40.3% were mildly to severely depressed during the 6th week postpartum.
采用逐步复迴归统计分析的结果显示産后忧郁的最佳预测因子是自尊、社会支持、知觉压力和怀孕类别(即此次怀孕是计划的或非计划的)。 |
Using the Coherent model 800 Argon Laser Photocoagulator, the authors have treated branch retinal vein occlusion since Apr. 1977.
摘要荣民总医院眼科视网膜门诊,自民国66年4月开始,以氩气雷射治疗视网膜静脉分枝栓塞症。 |
Using the Cointegration theory, the reationship between financial income and economic growth in Hunan province is analyzed, and a economic model called error correction model(ECM) is given in this article with dynamic modelling method, both long-term rela
摘要利用协整理论对湖南省财政收入与经济增长进行了分析,并使用动态建模方法建立一个误差修正模型(ECM)对两者之间的关系进行拟合,以揭示它们之间的短期波动和长期均衡关系。 |
Using the Digital Technology improves the performance traditional thyristor welding machine, according to the characters of the double inverse star from rectifier circuit, set the parameters with micro-controller accurately, design the dependable trigger
摘要利用数字控制技术对传统晶闸管焊接电源进行改进,根据双反星型晶闸管整流电路的特点,采用单片机进行精确设定,设计了高可靠性触发回路,结合电压反馈进行程序运算控制,实现了主电路输出电压的精确调整和可靠运行。 |
Using the Edmonton Protocol for type 1 diabetes, each participant received up to three infusions of donated insulin-producing islet cells at one of 9 participating clinical centers in the US, Canada and Europe.
应用埃德蒙顿原则,每个参与者接受三次产生胰岛素的胰岛细胞输入,胰岛细胞来自于美国、加拿大、欧洲的9个临床中心之一。 |
Using the Electric Frequency Permeameter can compliment the penetration and absorbance of the La Zephire Breast Abundance Essence Liquid, and help the unique LZ natural plant active factors to release their effects.
电频渗透仪可促进美胸精华液的渗透和吸收,使独有的LZ天然植物活性因子向乳房脂肪细胞层层释放,传递热量,微电流加热真皮层来促进胶原蛋白和弹性组织的生成. |
Using the FDCS and light microscopy techniques such as phase contrast and polarized light, it is now possible to accurately determine collapse temperature and intricately investigate freeze dried structure of complex samples.
使用FDCS和光学显微镜技术,如相衬和偏光,可以精确确定虚脱温度和复杂样品的冷冻干燥结构。 |
Using the FEM, the deformation and stress field of a large-scale Mg alloy die casting machine have been calculated by ANSYS.
摘要压铸机的整体变形情况对压铸机性能和铸件质量有重要影响。 |
Using the Fresnel matrix method, the standing wave distribution of the Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) was designed and analyzed.
摘要应用薄膜光学的菲涅耳系数矩阵方法,对垂直腔面发射激光器的驻波场分布设计做了深入的研究。 |