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Because there is un-know space's require, we have mind, have art, have beauty, and have sanitary ware.

Because there is no support for a minimize button with this style, I had to do it on my own. 由于这种风格的窗口不支持最小化按钮,所以我必须自己完成。
Because there is no “sound biteanswer to that question, its effect would be to induce regulation of prices in America. 因为对此问题没有一个简短的答案,其结果必然导致美国的价格管制。
Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf. 17我们虽多,仍是一个饼,一个身体。因为我们都是分受这一个饼。
Because there is so much karmic debt, such debt can never be paid off in one lifetime, causing the souls involved to reincarnate again and again. 由于债务是如此之多,它们永不可能在一生中就被偿清,所以导致所涉及的灵魂一次又一次转世。
Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce. 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。
Because there is un-know space's require, we have mind, have art, have beauty, and have sanitary ware. 因为有对示知空间的无穷追问,我们才会有思想,有艺术,有美,也才会有卫浴。
Because there's no intermediary input device—like a mouse or a keyboard—there's a powerful illusion that you're physically handling data with your fingers. 由于没有了中介输入设备--比如鼠标或键盘--给以你一个强烈的错觉:一切数据都逃不脱你的五指山。
Because these VO utilities would operate on top of existing computational structures, they could achieve these goals at an acceptable cost. 由于这些虚拟组织的工具是在既有的计算架构上执行,因此在可接受的成本範围内,即可完成这些目标。
Because these days fills is belonging to our laughing heartily with the tears. 因为在这些日子里充满著属于我们的欢笑与泪水.
Because these drugs act in the spinal cord, they should in theory be able to treat all types of pain, although they tend to work best against those related to inflammation. 由于这类药物作用于脊髓,理论上可以治疗所有类型的疼痛,但它们对与发炎有关的疼痛,效果最佳。
Because these forms of radiation have much shorter wavelengths than the ultraviolet light currently used in photolithography, they minimize the blurring caused by diffraction. 由于这类型辐射的波长远较现在光蚀刻使用的紫外光来得短,因此可以减少因绕射而造成的模糊。

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