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He told Friar Laurence that he had not been able to reach Mantua because the weather was so bad.

He told Annas, the High Priest, Caiaphas and the rulers, by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you cruci-fiedthe man was healed. 他告诉大祭司亚那,该亚法和统治者说:“因你们所钉十字架、神叫他从死里复活的拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名”,这人得医治。
He told BBC News Online that up to 10 people could sit inside the geode - an object normally small enough to hold in your hands. 他告诉英国广播公司新闻在线一超过10个人能坐在这晶洞里-有的地方狭窄得只能够放进你的双手。
He told Bob he was a salesman. 他跟鲍勃说过他是推销员。
He told Eli, I have just come from the battle line; I fled from it this very day.Eli asked, What happened, my son? 16那人对以利说,我是从阵上来的,今日我从阵上逃回。以利说,我儿,事情怎样。
He told French sports paper L\'Equipe: I finally had a phone call with chairman Jean-Michel Aulas. I told him my desire to join Real. Obviously he didn't hear me. 在接受法国队报采访时,迪亚拉说“我给俱乐部主席奥拉斯打了电话,表明了加盟皇马的意愿。显然他没有听从我的意见。”
He told Friar Laurence that he had not been able to reach Mantua because the weather was so bad. 他告诉劳伦斯修士说,因为天候恶劣的关系,他无法到达曼图鄂。
He told Jim not to worry. He would take care of Polly. 他告诉吉姆不必担心,他会照看波利的。
He told Jo that he planned to run away. 他告诉乔他计画离家出走。
He told Leo he was stuck in traffic. 他告诉里奥他堵车了。
He told MEDIA about the current challenges that have to be overcome: In the market place, Centro means different things to different people. 他对媒体说了现阶段要解决的问题:“在市场上,‘先涛’意味着创作不同的东西给不同的人。
He told PA people were mistaken if they argued that the mutant egg belonged to the non-chickenbird parents. 他认为那些认为先有鸡后生蛋的人错了,如果他们争论说第一个发生变异的鸡蛋属于“非鸡”的鸟父母。

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