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Humans upon Sirius before they were seeded upon earth knew such an existence; humans in Orion and the Pleiades before they came to earth also knew such an existence of only love and light.

Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of helium. 人类没有能够探测到氦的存在的官能。
Humans should always transcend their limits. 人类应该不断超越自己的极限.
Humans that cause deliberate interference with robots or damage to the arena will be disqualified. 人为地故意干扰其他机器人或是故意损坏比赛场地的,取消肇事者比赛资格。
Humans that come into contact with these animals or their 4)hides 5)on a regular basis, such as 6)ranchers, are at the greatest 7)risk of getting this disease. 经常与这些动物或牠们的皮革接触的人类,如牧场主人,是感染的高危险群。
Humans there are filled with superstition and fear. . . and with good reason. 那里的人总是满心迷信和畏惧……这是有道理的。
Humans upon Sirius before they were seeded upon earth knew such an existence; humans in Orion and the Pleiades before they came to earth also knew such an existence of only love and light. 天狼星上的人类在被播种到地球上之前,就知道这样一种存在;而猎户星和昴宿星上的人类在其来到地球前,也知道这样一种只有爱与光明的存在。
Humans were born to understand thought-form, and transcend thought-form that is non-evolutionary based. 人类生来是为了理解思想形态、并超越以不进化为基础的思想形态。
Humans were designed to be the key to access this information in the Living Library. 人类被设计成访问生命图书馆里信息的钥匙。
Humans were not designed to become the butcher, baker, candlestick maker, parent or spouse as the only goal of a given life existence. 人类并没把屠夫、面包师、烛台制造者、父母亲或配偶设计为某特定生命存在的唯一目的。
Humans will have to learn to live from the land and sea again and go back to simple tools that are hand made and non-electrical in nature. 人类将学习如何以陆地和海洋为生,并回到简单的性质是手工而不是电力的工具上。
Humans will perish ahead much as the bees are perishing from their keepers if they do not choose to ascend and choose to evolve and keep pace with the Earth Mother in her global warming. 如果人类并不选择提升并跟随地球母亲在全球变暖中一起进化的话,他们就将在前方死亡,就和死于养蜂者的蜜蜂一样。

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