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Poor thing, poor thing!said Martin the younger, who was sorry to have provoked this retrospective harshness.

Poor social credit circumstance, the declination of the school moral education, bad management of information running and the disorder of credit control system, lead to this phenomenon. 社会信用环境不良、学校道德教育不力、信息运行管理不善以及信用约束机制失範等共同造就了高校信用缺失的现状。
Poor soils, uneven terrain, and a severe climate led to typical “subsistence” farming, the growth of only those crops necessary for family maintenance. 贫瘠的土壤、崎岖的地表以及恶劣的气候造成典型的生存性农业,仅能种植维持农产家庭生存所必需的作物。
Poor speaker of English though I was at the time, I still managed to make myself understood. 尽管当时我的英语说得不好,我还是让他们听懂了我的意思。
Poor student Wang Kuei and famous prostitute Guei Ying once had love relationship; however, the chase of fame and money, entangle with love, it pushed for expressing reality of human natures. 贫困书生王魁与名妓焦桂英的相恋,一场名利与爱情的纠葛叵析人性的经典歌仔戏剧作。
Poor testicular salvage rate was the result of delayed presentation at this department in most cases. 有三位睾丸扭转的病人于后曾接受抗精虫抗体的测试,其中有一位病人有阳性反应。
Poor thing, poor thing!said Martin the younger, who was sorry to have provoked this retrospective harshness. “可怜的东西!可怜的东西!”年轻的马丁为引起这残酷和苦涩的回忆而感到抱歉,说道。
Poor visibility to satellites may cause the calculated position to wonder around, increasing the apparent traveled distance. 较差收星信号可能引起计算位置的游离,从而增加了显示的旅行距离。
Poor woman, she was abandoned abruptly by her husband. 可怜的女人,她被她的丈夫突然地遗弃了。
Poor you! While you're doing the washing up, I'll be having breakfast in bed. 真是可怜啊,你!那你去洗碗吧!我要去躺在床上吃我的早饭了!
Poor: Backwashing frequencies do not meet Company recommendations; chlorinated water not used for backwashing. Disinfection system(s) is not functioning properly. 差:反洗频率不符合公司推荐要求;未使用氯水进行反洗。消毒系统运行不正常。
Poor: Blending area not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality. 差:混合区域未合适地与可能对产品质量有不良影响的区域分隔开。

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