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How to improve the enterprise's competition ability through the human resource development is one of the worthful discussible subjects based on the study and analysis of domestic civil air-defence business.

How to imitate great leaders! 如何防效领袖风采!
How to implement the Baldrige Award criteria? 怎样实施波多里奇奖标准?
How to improve information management of disaster prevention and mitigation, and build a disaster warning mechanism? 如何加强防灾减灾的信息管理,建立灾害预警机制。
How to improve public consciousness on disaster prevention and mitigation, and expand public participation channels? 如何提高公众防灾减灾意识,扩大公众参与的渠道。
How to improve the ability of handling paroxysmal disaster? 如何提高突发性的灾害应急处理能力。
How to improve the enterprise's competition ability through the human resource development is one of the worthful discussible subjects based on the study and analysis of domestic civil air-defence business. 如何通过人力资源开发提高企业竞争能力,是值得我国人防企业在管理分析研究基础上展开讨论的课题。
How to improve the modern enterprise management system of internal control systems, the authors believe : should strengthen internal control theory research, and establish a sound system of internal control standards; My powers of the Board of Trustees of 如何完善现代企业治理机制下的内部控制制度,笔者认为:应加强内部控制理论的研究,建立健全内部控制的标准体系;重新安排我国董事会的权力格局,引进独立董事制度,完善公司法人治理结构;加强企业危机管理意识,建立企业风险控制系统;推行以人为本的人力资源管理策略;加强内部审计的独立性,建立与现代企业制度相适应的内部审计模式,提高企业内部控制的效果和效率。
How to improve the performance of automatic distance tracker is an important subject for modern tracking radar system. 摘要自动距离跟踪器性能的改善是现代跟踪雷达系统研究的重要内容。
How to improve the reliability of inductive heating &welding machines? 如何来提高感应加热设备和焊机的可靠性?
How to improve the residential space? 居住空间如何优化?
How to improve your manners! 如何掌握社交礼仪!

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