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In this paper, functional Kefir yogurt starter was produced by Lactococcus and Lactobacillus isolated from Kefir grains.

In this paper, first-principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) are carried out on the band gaps of zigzag SWNTs (7, 0) (8, 0) (9, 0) and (12, 0). 摘要本文采用基于广义梯度近似(GGA)的第一性原理方法,对锯齿型单壁破纳米管(7,0)、(8,0)、(9,0)、(12,0)的能带结构和能隙进行理论计算。
In this paper, flight trajectories were designed for a small-scale model of a reusable launch vehicle (RLV) according to the dropping missions. 摘要根据投放任务要求设计缩比可重复使用空间飞行器(RLV)投放轨迹,并建立飞行动力学基本分析框架。
In this paper, for proving the efficiency of the best perturbation method in getting the parameter of partial differential equations, the parameter inverse problem of one dimensional wave equation is studied based on the best perturbation method, so as to 摘要为了验证最佳摄动量法在偏微分方程参数反演中的有效性,基于最佳摄动量法研究了一维波动方程参数反问题,得出了此类问题的数值解法。
In this paper, formulas of the eigenvalue sensitivity with respect to system operating parameter, such as nodal injection power and PV-voltage, is deduced and is applied to an 10-machine system to assess the effects of system operating parameters on power 因此,推导了电力系统小干扰稳定性分析中特徵值对运行参数(包括节点注入功率和PV节点电压)的灵敏度,并将其应用于新英格兰10机系统来评价系统参数在电力系统小干扰稳定性中的作用。
In this paper, from the viewpoint of basic automatic control system, a cooling tower supervisory controller is designed and tested by applying it on the digital simulator to real time control the tower airflow and tower fan sequencing in central air-condi 摘要从集中空调冷却水侧基本自动控制系统的局部角度出发,设计了冷却塔风扇上位机控制器,对风扇风量和运行台数进行实时控制,并通过仿真试验分析了其对系统控制稳定性和系统能耗的影响。
In this paper, functional Kefir yogurt starter was produced by Lactococcus and Lactobacillus isolated from Kefir grains. 摘要本文利用开菲尔粒中分离的乳球菌和乳杆菌采用混合发酵法研制开菲尔酸奶复合发酵剂。
In this paper, functions of nutrition and healthy care of the sweet potato were introduced, the colligate processing technology of sweet potato were reviewed, some developing suggestion were brought forward. 摘要在介绍甘薯营养保健功能基础上,简述了甘薯的综合加工技术,并对未来的研究开发重点进行了展望。
In this paper, grouped weight matrix (GWM) method is proposed for splice site recognition. 摘要提出识别剪切位点的分组权重矩阵方法。
In this paper, he also expatiates upon particularly some difficulties in the designing, such as how to fix the small core, how to fix the hydraulic cylinder by sequence and how to insert arc core into the column core2. 对模具设计过程中遇到的困难,如:小嵌件如何固定,很小的侧型芯如何固定于侧滑块上,及三个液压缸按顺序抽芯,圆弧型芯如何插入圆柱型芯2中等都作了详细的叙述与探讨。
In this paper, how to implement the divergent/convergent design process using the co-evolution of DM and DSM is investigated, including the divergent functional requirements solving based on DM and the convergent solution evaluation based on DSM. 讨论了如何通过公理化设计矩阵与设计结构矩阵的同步演化来实现产品创新设计中的发散与收敛思维,即通过公理化设计矩阵进行功能需求的发散性求解,基于设计结构矩阵进行收敛行评价。
In this paper, images of seven moment invariants are obtained, combining with BP, we call identify target images. 摘要通过提取图像7个不变矩,结合神经网络(BP)对图像目标进行识别计算。

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