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Swaying palm trees, turquoise -blue water and sugar-white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight.

Swartz was determined to make Timberland a living laboratory for an [b]altruism[/b]-driven culture without [b]torpedo[/b]ing the family business. 史瓦兹决定使添柏岚成为一个活生生的实验室,在不至于摧毁家族事业的前提下,带动一种利他主义的文化。
Swastika has been discovered at several locations in the New World. 纳粹党所用的十字记号在新世界好几个地方发现。
Swastika is found in monumental remains of the primitive Mexicans and Peruvians and on objects exhumed from prehistoric burial mounds within the limits of the USA. 纳粹党所用的十字记号在墨西哥和秘鲁原始纪念碑遗址以及从美国本土里史前埋葬坟墓挖掘出的物品上发现。
Swastika is marked on a number of early Christian tombs. 纳粹党所用的十字记号大量刻在早期基督徒坟墓里。
Swathes of what should be one of the best tourist roads in the country, leading to the Masai Mara reserve, one of Africa's finest game-viewing sites, are barely better than a rock-strewn, muddily rutted farm track—that was once smooth tarmac. 肯尼亚境内有一条本可以成为本国最好的旅游干道之一,它通往非洲最具吸引力的野生动物观光场所之一的玛萨玛拉保护区,如今这条路四周环绕的地带简直还不如一个满是乱石且泥泞的农家小径-曾经却是那么平坦的大农场。
Swaying palm trees, turquoise -blue water and sugar-white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight. 随风摇曳的棕榈树、蓝绿色海水及白糖般的沙子让热爱海滩人士开心地大叹一口气。
Swaying palm trees, turquoise-blue water and sugar-white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight. 摇曳在风中的棕榈树,宝石绿的海水和白糖般的沙子使得沙滩爱好者兴奋地大发感叹。
Swear now therefore unto me by the Lord, that thou wilt not cut off my seed after me, and that thou wilt not destroy my name out of my father's house. 撒上24:21现在你要指著耶和华向我起誓、不剪除我的后裔、在我父家不灭没我的名。
Sweat away unwanted fat, eliminate cellulite, lose weight and ease muscle pain, all while sitting in the comfort of your own home. 减少不必要的脂肪,消除脂肪团,减轻体重,减少肌肉负担,这些都可以在家中花你很少的时间就可实现。
Sweat dribbled down his face. 汗水从他脸上滴下来。
Sweat exudes through the pores. 汗从毛孔中渗出.

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