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Folklore has it that 80 per cent of Japanese people are middle class.

Folk picture develops from folk wood engraving new-year paintings, the form and feature of which agrees with the appreciation taste of Chinese, and is an art that is most reflecting real life. 年画最早发展起来的是民间木版年画,其形式和特点又符合中国劳动人们欣赏习惯,是最能体现世俗生活的一种艺术形式。
Folk remedies she learned during her years living in Maryland would come in very handy. 塔布曼在战争中也担任其他职务,如护士;住在马里兰那几年所学到的民间疗法,在内战时也派上用场。
Folk rock duo Simon and Garfunkel release classic album Bridge Over Troubled Water. 1970年的今天,民谣摇滚双人组合“西蒙和嘎芬寇尔”发行其经典的专辑《急流上的桥》。
Folk-custom plays an important part in the modern production and living; its function and influence on the popularization of agricultural science and technology are comprehensive and profound too. 摘要民俗在现代生产、生活中起著不容忽视的作用,它对农业科技推广的作用与影响也是广泛和深刻的。
Folkins J W. Issues in speech motor control and their relation to the speech of dividuals with cleft palate[J]. J Cleft Palate 1985;22:106. 王国民,袁文化,蒋莉萍,等.语音仪在腭裂整复术后异常语音分析中的研究[J].口腔颌面外科杂志,1995;5(4):189-191.
Folklore has it that 80 per cent of Japanese people are middle class. 有传闻说,80%的日本人属于中产阶级。
Folks around here will always lend a hand if you need it. 如果你需要,这周围的 人总会帮你一把.
Folks get busy and run short of time; they stop exercising or start skipping meals; next they steal time from their sleep. 人们越来越匆忙,不断和时间赛跑;他们忘记了锻炼和吃饭;他们忘记了睡眠。
Folks hoping to cash in on the so-called luckiest day of the century have headed to Las Vegas. 试译:07年7月7号,被号称本世纪的最幸运的一天,促使很多希望获得一笔横财的人们前往拉斯维加斯。
Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps. 人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。
Folks that blurt out just what they think wouldn't be so bad if they thought. 一想到什么就马上脱口而出的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么差劲了。

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