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Treatment of difficult Ogilvie's syndrome by total colectomy with clincal analysis of 0 cases

Treatment of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis 股骨头骨骺滑脱8例治疗体会
Treatment of allergic nasitis with neurectomy of pterygoid canal 翼管神经切断术治疗过敏性鼻炎的探讨
Treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with a new liquid embolic agent(Onyx8) 应用新型液体栓塞剂Onyx8治疗脑动静脉畸形
Treatment of cervical spine fracture with anterior groove decompression and cuboid iliaca bone grafting and fixation 前路槽式减压长方体髂骨植骨固定治疗颈椎骨折
Treatment of chordee without hypospadias 先天性尿道短缩症的治疗
Treatment of difficult Ogilvie's syndrome by total colectomy with clincal analysis of 0 cases 全结肠切除治疗难治性Ogilvie综合征0例临床分析
Treatment of equinus deformity with Ilizarov fixator Ilizarov外固定架治疗创伤性马蹄足
Treatment of genual osteoarthritis by unblocking acupuncture method 通督针法治疗膝骨性关节炎
Treatment of geratic constipation by Runbianwan in 8 cases 润便丸治疗老年性便秘 8例
Treatment of hydrocephalus with ventri-culus-abdominal shunt (Analysis of 9 cases and recommendation of the use of Heyer-Schulte shunt apparatus). 脑室腹腔分流术治疗脑积水9 例分析——兼介绍Heyer—Schulte分流管应用
Treatment of hypospadias with urethro plasty of combination with anterior urethral plate and free inner preputial skin 前尿道板加游离包皮内板尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂

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